Example sentences of "he must [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 what , he must of lost God 's spirit must n't he Adam ?
2 He must of phoned her , I did n't know , said called Debbie .
3 you know in other words it might take a bit of time to work it out , there is some reason why he must of said that must n't did n't he ?
4 he kept going on and on and on and he said do you think it was an error of judgment and he was trying to get Kinnock to say yes and he said yes it was an error of judgment the way he , he 'd sort of said I think he must of said in the mid seventies , that if he got in power he 'd get rid of all nuclear weapons
5 that , that way , he must of said something because Christopher phoned up and said I 'm coming down tomorrow
6 And he would be the right one to b be on this because I mean he 's so intelligent , he would but he wo n't even I think he must of turned that tape on yesterday .
7 I 'll have a look , but I 've had him doing actual words , like first words er , you know erm , Ben and large and in and out and just the , the easy words and Luke and his own name , so he is already got the idea that when you write a letter you ca n't just write any letter , you 've got to make letters say something either as erm , as an alphabet or in the form of words , so of course she says to , would you all like to write me a sentence , well he 's already passed that stage , he thinks himself well I ca n't write a sentence , what he knows as a sentence consists of words that make sense , so they 're all sitting there going a N , N , N , Q , R , S , N , T , T , and they 're saying a sentence like I went to the shops with my nanny , well Alex has already passed that stage , he knows that that is n't sensible , so he must of turned to her and he said , I ca n't write like that , my mummy will shout at me
8 the one for the , what the call it , it 's all bent , er grill and er he must of banged er , what he call that one er oven one
9 so I take it he must of gone down with the flu after that then
10 He must of gone in on the granny department and
11 he must of ask himself where it , where are all the newspapers
12 I nearly caught a man once erm , but I turned the whistle to the dog and he must of heard me , he dropped , into his car and drove off , if I could of got the dog in faster I 'd , I 'd chased him , my daughter said , no you stand back and take no not , but I 'm not like that you see .
13 And er she said , and he must of noticed me .
14 He must of done , cos that 's what they were using , they were using the Hebrew scriptures to , to quote on were n't they ?
15 must of well he must of done
16 he must of done Arthur , he moved and pulled everything , he 's ever such a good boy , he 's says to ya , I do n't know why he says but I can eat as much as I can , said I never get fat , I said I know why you do n't get fat
17 and a fiver , no , he must of put a bet on , borrowed the paper and borrowed the money to put the bet on same day dry cleaning service , you can pick it up at two minutes to midnight madam
18 However he , he must of chosen the right place to go and er he went right up onto the hill and Mr got his shooting er and he bought the thing on the spot .
19 Yeah , cos he must of dealt with blooming all the sign here , I remember signing , he signed , I signed , he signed , witnessed it and witnessed yours , remember ? , he must be quite used to it
20 but what , but what marvellous faith he must of had
21 Well he must of had that amount he must be contin , he must have alcohol in the body continuously .
22 They 'd been out and er I do n't know who they 'd been with like but he must of had a bit to drink .
23 And they come in , I mean he skids in the hall at night I mean it 's my fault I threw the rubber ring towards the kitchen down the hall he sort of skidded before he got there and there was a , and he must of had mud er , you know like like he had
24 there 's there 's and we just , what he must of had and he skidded and there was a blooming long track of mud down the carpet you know !
25 He must of left just after I did
26 well what good 's that gon na do , he must of told
27 he must of come low to took that must n't he ?
28 I said shit , he must of come to pick me up so I obviously I apologise for
29 I saw a trailer of it when I came , I thought he must of come
30 Now , first of all Nicodemus does n't even understand what Jesus is talking about but even when he does , how he must of hurt his pride , but I 'm religious !
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