Example sentences of "he have on [art] " in BNC.

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1 I would not expect an angler to hit , or even see , every bite he has on a swing-tip the first time he uses one .
2 Ajax Amsterdam coach Louis van Gaal was saved from a demoralising home defeat by two players he has on the transfer list .
3 To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what information he has on the number of orders , and for what types of vessels , held by shipbuilders in Northern Ireland .
4 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what information he has on the number of jobs in the north-west region of England which are related to defence requirements .
5 Use them as signalmen between his army and any ships he has on the coast .
6 Later , after she had visited Joy for the last time and he had filled her arms with fruit , as he had on every visit , she made her way to the cemetery .
7 He arrived in a dark suit and a black shirt buttoned down over his dog collar and kept his hands folded so that nobody could see if he had on a ring at all , let alone one like a winegum .
8 He had on a three-quarter-length crombie with a velvet collar , a dark-blue suit with the faintest of pin-stripes and a snowy linen shirt .
9 He was dressed Yek style in a loose tunic and breeches , and he had on a surcoat which was stiff with gold embroidery .
10 Lee , startled to see Philip , moved and the helmet which he had on the back of his head fell off on to the flagged floor .
11 He took the Canal Turn as fluently as he had on the first circuit , then swept towards Valentine 's Brook .
12 A DESPERATE businessman saved his company from bankruptcy by gambling every penny he had on the spin of a wheel .
13 On August 14 , John Allison , considering the short hangar time he had on the aircraft , flew the Corsair in a beautiful aerobatic routine , and the following day he flew across to Coventry Airshow , Warks , to display the aircraft at the RAFA Airshow there .
14 He had on the desk the photographs that showed Harry and his contact on the grass and the pavement .
15 Hazel ; looking at them , felt almost as insecure as he had on the river bank .
16 " Why are they doing all this work so early in the morning ? " she asked Captain Duro when he appeared on deck looking as spruce and polished as he had on the first day she met him .
17 If she made no response , he might well climb over the wall all the same , as he had on the previous night ; on the other hand if she went to him and they were caught his offence would be deemed the worse , for being found on Roscarrock property was one thing , but being caught dallying with a servant girl was another .
18 Then as if he had on the spur of the moment decided to take her into his confidence , he added , ‘ But she was always a tiny bit sad .
19 He looked exactly as he had on the day of their last meeting , the day of his departure to the United States : calm yet concerned , sensitive yet restrained , the perfect model of the thinking politician .
20 He had on the usual soft pair of boots which he always wore . ’
21 He reiterated one of the problems that dogged him throughout life , which was fatigue ; for although he had on the whole a ‘ tough ’ constitution — at least he liked to think so — and tremendous will-power , he had driven himself very hard over the past twenty years .
22 When allegations that Schnur had worked for the Stasi for at least 20 years were first made on March 9 his denials were supported up by the West German government which said that he had on the contrary been passing information on political repression in East Germany to them .
23 He had on the long white cloak which signified to the audience that he was wearing nothing at all .
24 Ken cried as he washed the make-up off his legs , hauling them into the sink and then washing them in basins he had on the floor .
25 It was like the conversations he had on the ‘ Carry On ’ set , embroidered for an audience whom he knew could relate to it all .
26 What about the 10 superb games he had on the trot recently ?
27 He breathed the name against her cheek , just as he had on the night of the party .
28 I wan na get him another towelling dressing gown because the blue one he had on the caravan he brought home for the winter bring them home and wash them .
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