Example sentences of "he be just [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is an accomplice , in the sense that everyone who joins another in decoding a linguistic sign co-operates with them in the establishment of its meaning ; but we can see that the sign Iago offers him is just the opposite of what Othello wants to believe , or has believed till now .
2 Because very often you , a father can be very keen on gardening and getting the children to help him is just the last thing .
3 The twitch broadened fractionally into what might have been a smile on anyone else but on him was just a rearrangement of composed features .
4 He was speaking very much more quietly than when he first came in and occasionally looked reproachfully at the door as if the thing which had depressed him was just the other side of it .
5 It could be said as brusquely of Iago that he is just a wrecker .
6 Sometimes he is just a secondary figure floating in the novel 's bloodstream , as at the fête where he has got roped in with a few other young men to be a marshal and make sure everything goes smoothly .
7 Suppose for a moment that Mr Gorbachev himself does not know what he has in mind ; assume that he is just a moderniser with no clear idea where modernising leads .
8 Against this interpretation lies the evidence that we can and do say , when appropriate , things like ‘ Of course he consented to the operation , but that does not entitle you to perform it since he is just a child ’ ( or he did not know how dangerous it is ) .
9 He is just a confused young man going through a postgraduate crisis ; a rebel without claws .
10 And a delighted Billy Bonds saluted Allen 's week by saying : ‘ He is just a great goalscorer — it 's as simple as that . ’
11 ‘ He does n't look too bad because of his coat but when you handle him , he is just a bag of bones . ’
12 If he could adopt that standpoint , he might describe himself as an empirical realist but a transcendental idealist ; but , since he can not adopt that standpoint , he is just a ‘ realist ’ .
13 Naturally I approached Bates in the strictest confidence , but all too quickly I learned that he is just a gin-sodden loud-mouth .
14 For example , if a person supplies a computer in kit form which , when assembled , infringes a patent , then the supplier of the computer kit infringes the patent even if he is just a middle-man as long as he has the requisite knowledge .
15 he is just a right prick , right ?
16 He is just a relative .
17 He is just the kind of stable , bright young man we think can articulate our viewpoint and reach a mass of people . ’
18 Now his club 's tighthead , he has gone out of this way to improve his scrummaging technique with specialist advice from among others , his boss , Sandy Carmichael , the 50-times capped Scottish and Lions tighthead Iain Milne ( ‘ immensely helpful ’ ) and Jim Telfer ( ‘ he is just the kind of coach I need because I can be a bit lazy and the fact that he just keeps at you all the time was very good for me ’ ) .
19 He is just the man in the middle .
20 I say gentleman , but I suppose he is just an official thug . ’
21 I think he is just an ill and shocked young man with the highly strung temperament of so many artistic people .
22 At first he is just an unspecified ours , a bear ( 1841 ) .
23 He says he is just an observer , there to see that the American case is put .
24 Actually , we decided after a bit that there was nothing very sinister about Sun , but that he is just an auxiliary comrade who helps to keep tabs on us , makes sure we do n't get lost in the crowd , etc .
25 He 's just a raw nerve .
26 He 's just a yob , right ?
27 Finally he said : ‘ Look , Marie , he 's just a yob , that 's all .
28 He 's just a little creep who saw his chance , that 's all .
29 Then again , he 's just a likely to throw in a reference to the riddle of the sphinx or the Greek muses .
30 He 's just a bit crazy , but he wo n't hurt you . ’
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