Example sentences of "he be [adj] she " in BNC.

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1 As Jim said , in six months time if he 's redundant she wo n't be feeling
2 He says he 's glad she 's on their side .
3 Frankly she goes , she goes yeah he 's alright she said but he 's too two faced and I said that does n't sound like him , I said I thought he was quite nice and she goes yeah well he is she says he says one thing to you and then you find out that he 's said something completely different and you hear another side of it .
4 If she had thought for one moment he was serious she would have been deeply shocked .
5 As for himself , he was sorry she was upset — and also , if he was honest , a little irritated too , because the crisis had wrecked his plans for the morning .
6 If he was right she had no alternative but to stay put .
7 The slightly fatherly attendant said he was sure she was safely asleep , as he 'd seen her returning from the washroom at the end of the car and climbing up to her bunk .
8 He turned right into Newington Butts , the young woman no great weight in his arms , although he was sure she was n't skinny .
9 Instead she sipped her coffee slowly , a small smile on her lips as she saw his expectation of the scene he was sure she would make slowly die .
10 Then very slowly he put her a little away from him , his hands holding her steady until he was sure she could stand alone .
11 He was sure she was hiding something .
12 Sandison told him the whole story , the one he had told to Mrs Wilson : that he was Elsie 's brother , that he was convinced she was still alive even though she had disappeared so many years before .
13 He was pleased she had asked .
14 It was impossible for Stan to hide the fact that he was pleased she was n't going to be around , and Kate accepted that here indeed was yet another male chauvinist jealous and unhappy at having his territory invaded by a woman .
15 He was pleased she had n't suggested that he should fetch it .
16 When she saw he was awake she made a sound that was half a sob , and buried her head in his shoulder .
17 As soon as she saw that he was awake she slipped a hand expertly under his head , and held a cup to his lips , and he drank thirstily , like a child , all the more willingly because it was plain that his docility pleased her .
18 He was thankful she was n't wearing boots but her hair had disappeared again under an awful black felt hat that looked as if it might have been her father 's , and when she handed her coat in at the cloakroom she kept the hat on .
19 He was adamant she was n't ill or drunk and keen to defend her reputation as having a cast-iron head where whisky was concerned . ’
20 He 'd allowed her closer than anyone else , and when his clothes were off and he was tired she read him the way she read the weather or the mountains or the dust , she ran her fingers over his pale , scarred body and she guessed close to the truth .
21 He was confident she would n't say anything further about the dream .
22 Fernando had said he was confident she would return because he had something precious that Steve had n't : was it a serious bank balance ?
23 Mum had told him that whenever he was good she liked him but that when he was bad , she did n't .
24 If he was careful she might even allow him to travel back with her on the coach .
25 Yes , but she could be parting from him in a different way — ; stealing away , running off , he was surprised she had never done so , that she had n't killed the old woman with a poison in the way she had perhaps schemed to kill him , that she had not held her under just a moment too long when she took her swimming that she had not simply abandoned her in the settlement .
26 As far as he was concerned she was nothing more than a time-and-labour-saving device required for the voyage .
27 Well , he was wasting his time because as far as he was concerned she had no senses left !
28 She had n't even noticed where they were , but now he was guiding her up some stone steps , and she realised by the background music that they were heading for Pepe 's .
29 ‘ This way , ’ he stated , and , barely giving her time to make her goodbyes to Lubor Ondrus , he was guiding her over to where his car was garaged .
30 He was afraid she might see him sticking out and start taking him for granted or make unwomanly advances .
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