Example sentences of "he would give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ 'E loves Rachel an' 'e 'd give me the top brick off the chimney if I asked 'im , but 'e 's a worrier .
2 Is it Friend ? thought Chesarynth , sure that something about him would give himself away .
3 A strange circle — not all of one tribe or one nation , but ever-present , as though rubbing up against him would give them some strength .
4 Well then , he 'd give her an outing , he 'd bring her here and she could enjoy herself , have a tea , go home by train or bus , whichever she chose .
5 If she had the nerve , the sheer bloody brass neck , to do that , then maybe he 'd give her a few minutes .
6 Dolly tried to say it would be nice if he 'd give her the chance to tell him what she liked , but he was away again .
7 If she was his daughter he 'd give her a smack she would n't forget in a hurry .
8 When we got the vans , Ernie was with us then and he always used to sharpen her knife up so as he 'd give her a fresh one lunchtime to go , he 'd , she 'd start off up , down from where you 'd come from this morning , then she 'd go on to Wicken and do that on a Tuesday , Tuesday round .
9 I should think he 'd give her it .
10 Pete said she Pete said he 'd give her one !
11 If he 'd give me time I might find a proper answer .
12 ‘ He did n't 'alf like them , he said he 'd give me a penny every time I showed them .
13 He 'd give me money to buy clothes , but I had to keep asking for it .
14 I 'd take a smack along there and he 'd give me a cinnamon cake .
15 he 'd give me ‘ lessons in magic ’ .
16 If Dad was alive he 'd give me money for the bike like a shot .
17 It 's a look I never thought he 'd give me .
18 So it should be like , your close friends and family in the middle , Bob , who 's my brother , he said he 'd give me an appointment when I come back , I 'll ring him , and then I go to the outer circle for the rest of that phone session .
19 it was n't good because erm I did n't love him and right so , so if I kissed him and met him the next day would I , would I snog , would , would he , he 'd give me the hat so I said yeah sure , you know , whatever , so he goes okay and he like prepared himself and goes no I ca n't do it in here and so I had to go outside with him , snog him , got his hat and pissed off , never saw him again .
20 He had these weights — dumbells like — and he said if anybody could lift them over their heads , he 'd give them a gold watch .
21 I 'd say , ‘ Can leave it to you to deal with him ? ''Yes ’ — he 'd give him a clip round the earhole .
22 The American was clever , he 'd give him that .
23 And he 'd got a boy who did stutter and he always used to go to granddad before er he when he came to school , before lessons and he 'd give him this pebble and he 'd say , now you can put it in your pocket .
24 Koresh told that he 'd give himself up once he 'd written his prophetic interpretation of the seven seals .
25 And if the shot went well he 'd give us half a crown and say : ‘ Buy yourself some sweets . ’
26 Stan told him we could all go , and what 's more he 'd give us all free transfers to go quickly .
27 He 'd give us a withering look as we slogged our way round the parade-ground , attempting to move like real soldiers .
28 He 'd give us funny stories — the Colonel coming in the front door while Luke left through the back .
29 , Mr , er and he 'd give us sums , arithmetic , tell us stories , er historical events or something like that .
30 If only he 'd give us a chance …
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