Example sentences of "he would [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Part of him would have been sorry to hear that she had been shot , or sentenced to a long term of imprisonment in the filth of an Austrian gaol .
2 As for Dennis , well , after that killing him would have been a kindness , would n't it ?
3 Which would have been doubly misleading for I had never felt more in search of company , nor indeed more indebted to Manhattan , the city without him being a great deal more like the city we had lived in together than anywhere else without him would have been .
4 He had no official status and no powers of arrest , but once he 'd identified Alina then the two officers along with him would have been able to detain her on immigration charges .
5 Now , in retrospect , she could see that marriage to him would have been a ghastly mistake , and that her reaction to discovering that he had been seeing other women while he had been engaged to her had had far more to do with wounded pride than with a wounded heart .
6 If only Morpurgo had been a less thoroughbred specimen the contrast with what had subsequently overtaken him would have been easier to accept .
7 They 'd be able to get in unless Jack or Tom had put a padlock on since he 'd last been there .
8 That he 'd do that in the morning as a little part time job for 'em , and all he 'd do is erm , the Pool Manager , which is at Lock Gates , he know what ships come in the day before and he really know the man and then in the morning they 'd say well so and so ship has arrived but perhaps he might know it , then he 'd send , he 'd know what men to send and this , cos I , I used to get the latest information , they did n't worry him , they worried me about lates latest information and of course we knew what ships was due for the next day so we knew what allocation we wanted .
9 All he 'd do was sit and drink himself stupid .
10 And the pieces of wire he 'd cut were too short .
11 All he 'd say was that nature meant men and women to be attracted by each other and if they were n't , the species would n't reproduce themselves . ’
12 If he was a bit deadlier in the balls he 'd have been world champion . ’
13 He felt sure he 'd have been told of it at literary do 's if she was really ill .
14 He was only about Nigel 's age , which meant that he 'd have been a toddler then .
15 But if Bobby wanted to get in on it now , he 'd have been turned away at the door : the elitists would have laughed at him for being in an indie band and ‘ Loaded ’ might never have been produced .
16 He 'd have been an interesting man , ’ he said to Florence Ames .
17 He 'd have been dead in a very few minutes .
18 In fact he 'd have been happy with a five .
19 He would be in as much danger as me because if he shouted across to me , he 'd have been done for idling his time and gossiping .
20 He 'd have been ever so proud !
21 Under Labour 's tax regime , he 'd have been £1.5 million worse off .
22 He 'd have been a mouthful .
23 He 'd have been better off getting them to help him compose a Dear Marje letter .
24 Otherwise he 'd have been down the line after us like a shot .
25 He 'd have been gone by now , sir , but the little devil 's been playing us up .
26 But he 's pretty certain that , without all this hassle , without the music , he 'd have been stuck in prison by now , so he 's thankful for everything which comes his way .
27 He 's as sane as you or I. He 's a romantic at heart , a born adventurer ; a couple of hundred years ago and he 'd have been somewhere on the other side of the world building up the odd empire . ’
28 He 'd have been ashamed of me .
29 He 's had a lot of fuss made of him in Britain , but if he 'd have been an American , his win would probably have rated one line in their papers . ’
30 He 'd have been good there , with his background , but his wishes were respected .
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