Example sentences of "he say that his " in BNC.

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1 More specifically , he puts the young reader in touch with the French impressionists in his rich illustrations for Charlotte Zolotow 's Mr Rabbit and the lovely present ( although , strangely , he says that his main influence here was the American naturalistic painter , Winslow Homer ) , and with the pop art of cinema and food packaging in In the night kitchen .
2 He says that his afternoon in the arcade was the most exciting of his lie .
3 He says that his data showed that those businesses with low investment intensity did indeed start off with high ROI , as the earlier cross-sectional studies discovered , but that this often led managers to over-invest .
4 He says that his ancestors came over here from Brittany in the seventeenth century , fleeing from Catholic persecution . ’
5 He says that his school caters for children with special needs , one of the areas most under threat from cuts .
6 He says that his face was badly burnt and it 's meant he has n't been able to take part in his favourite game of rugby .
7 He says that his wife was jealous of his success .
8 He says that his Tarantula has had too many babies .
9 He says that his family was on the ferry , there but for the grace of God go his family .
10 He says that his mate bought a car from there and , he were a undecided about this clocking this time , what 's , what call it ?
11 Mr Field has agreed not to make any statement about his next course of action before his 11.30am meeting with Mr Kinnock , but he said that his supporters in Birkenhead had told him they did not want to see a fudge .
12 But he said that his only concern was to establish whether Mr Ridley 's decision had been in accordance with the law .
13 He said that his party had bucked the national trend by ‘ putting our position in a straightforward way ’ .
14 He said that his future plans as an owner were very uncertain at the moment . ’
15 He said that his department was concentrating its activities on the investigation in hand , for the time being .
16 He said that his mother-in-law was dementing , on top of being a ‘ nasty woman ’ .
17 He said that his wife was ill .
18 Mr Rushdie also met federal parliamentarians in Ottawa , and although he was not granted time with the Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney , he said that his reception by the External Affairs Minister Barbara McDougall encouraged him to believe that Canada was firmly behind the campaign to get the death sentence lifted .
19 The Prime Minister will no doubt have noticed the interesting exception that President Bush made in his state of the union message to Congress , when he said that his Government were too big and spent too much .
20 He said that his first speech in the previous coal debate made the headlines of Coal News , but I do not think that the chairman of British Coal will be grateful that the hon. Gentleman has halved the take and production of coal in his remarks .
21 However , the hon. Gentleman can not expect me to agree with his preface , in which he said that his right hon. Friend the Prime Minister had negotiated brilliantly .
22 Admitting that the security forces were involved in a recent wave of kidnappings and murders of students , he said that his government did not have the means to combat the activities which had taken place over the past few months , aimed at creating a climate of terror and instability in order to justify an attempt to return to the past or the installation of a president who would promise a tough policy .
23 He said that his group would contest elections , but would not hesitate to take up arms again if the Sri Lankan government tried to suppress the Tamil movement .
24 He said that his party , which held three parliamentary seats , would join in opposition the centre-left Movement for Proletarian Power ( Mouvement pour le pouvoir prolétarien/Monoma Ka Mivimbio — MFM/MFT or " Pouvoir aux Petits " ) , which held seven seats [ see pp. 36518 ; 36648 ; 36678 ] .
25 He said that his government was prepared to share power with the Hutu majority , who comprised 85 per cent of the population .
26 He said that his government attached the highest priority to restoring the health of the economy , and promised that a budget would be introduced within a month and that dialogue with the IMF would continue .
27 He said that his television broadcast had not been written under physical pressure but " under the constraints of the situation " .
28 In his acceptance speech he said that his goal would be to " renew , reassemble and reform " the party .
29 On his return on Feb. 22 , he said that his visit had been " very fruitful " , and it was announced in Washington on Feb. 25 that a US embassy would be opened in Moldova by March 15 .
30 He said that his not coming back was much the best option for all of us .
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