Example sentences of "he say [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well Else read out this bit from a book by Billy Graham , The Secret of 'Appiness it 's called , where 'e says that a man told 'im 'e only took a bath once a week , and Billy Graham told 'im there was something wrong with 'is purity of heart . ’
2 ‘ A year later Hugh Butterworth , chief executive of Clark Whitehill , wrote to him saying that a copy of Mr Young 's will , which included names of most of the investors , had been sent to the Revenue without Clark Whitehill 's permission . ’
3 I remember him saying that the person in the anecdote had to remain anonymous since it was still not done for a woman to confess she enjoyed promiscuous , recreational sex .
4 Had he been in his place on Tuesday , when my right hon. Friend made the opening speech on the Loyal Address , he would have heard him say that the Government would introduce a measure to deal with the young thugs , as my hon. Friend calls them , who indulge in joyriding , a practice which hon. Members in all parts of the House deplore ; those young people will , therefore , be offending .
5 He says although the two year long course will tackle serious issues like arts administration and stage management , circus is a valid introduction :
6 He says once an order is made the children have to be put on a plane .
7 The holy spirit gives us a new prospective on life and it , it , it deepens our relationship with God , we do n't have to try and make , make a success of our new Christian life by ourselves , you know it does n't matter whether you 've been a Christian for a week , for a day , for twenty , for fifty years , if you try to do it one day by yourself you are guaranteed failure , there is no way you can do it , it does n't matter how long you 've been a Christian or how short a period , you can not do it , if the great apostle Paul , he could , he said I can do nothing of myself he said I am not sufficient , for all my learning , for all the wonderful visions I 've had , for the knowledge that God has given to me , that I 've been able to write these great apostle 's , he says that I can not do it myself , I ca n't live this Christian life myself and the tremendous thing that none of us , no matter who we are , we do not have to try to make a success of our Christian life on our own , it 's a partnership and God is the senior partner in it , he does n't expect us to do it by ourselves , listen to what the , the , that , the same apostle Paul says when he 's writing to the , the Gelation Christians , in , in chapter two , verse twenty , listen to what he says there , he says I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I know live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and delivered himself for me , he said I do n't do it by myself , why not , very simply cos he ca n't , he did n't know how to , he did n't have the power to do it he says but the life I 'm living , I live by the power of Christ who died for me , who gave himself for me and who now lives in me now by the holy spirit
8 He says that a lower rice price would not only help his constituents but also make Japan 's economy stronger — which is , after all , a good nationalist aim .
9 He says that a lack of communication between the private sector and voluntary organisations has been an obstacle to the smooth development of community strategy in the UK .
10 He says that a good doctor should always make the patient feel comfortable about examinations , but patients should also make sure that another person is on hand .
11 He does n't seem to be embarrassed by anything , except when you try to provoke him by telling him that surely he must thump his desk once in a while , or that although he says that a record company exists ‘ to guide your artists ’ most of them must hate him at some point .
12 He says that a new generation of students has been considering the " facts " that remain from a very different angle .
13 He says that a substantial amount has been paid in benefits , it 's not true to say that they owe the tenants a large amount of arrears .
14 He says that a pond contains lot 's of wildlife , and is a valuable educational tool .
15 He says that a group of ravers from Bristol caused trouble .
16 He says that a woman may have been murdered with the bayonet , which he discovered buried in a wall .
17 He says that a Cavalier appears in the corner , a Shepherd and his dog , hands grip at those who sleep in the bed and a monk walks through the wall !
18 He says that a person could stay at a hotel with his own doctor and nurse cheaper than that .
19 Sir : While agreeing with much of what Jonathan Glancey say in his article on ‘ A-road ’ architecture ( 4 October ) , I think he misses the point when he says that no one cares about it .
20 I 'd like my fiancé to do the traditional thing and ask my father for his permission to marry me , but he says that no one does this any more .
21 He says that every prisoner leaving jail should at least have enough clothing to make a fresh start , the danger is that prisoners who do n't have enough funds can return to crime .
22 He says that every brochure made it clear that the best way to order goods , was to fax .
23 He says that the church is dangerous — ‘ not fit for a man of God to officiate at a most solemn sacrament ’ . ’
24 Scobie is surely right when , with regard to Let Us Compare Mythologies he says that the title ‘ seems to indicate that Cohen himself regarded the religious sense as the primary one ’ — which in The Spice-Box Of Earth becomes completely explicit and even urgent .
25 He wrote month after month with fearful haste , and yet the Soviet editor only exaggerates slightly when he says that the manuscripts reveal ‘ immense , most rigorous work , literally over every phrase ’ .
26 He recognizes in Raskolnikov a fellow-struggler , and repeatedly he says that the two of them are birds of a feather ; but he also bids him farewell with a pointed ‘ You to the right and I to the left , or the other way round if you like ’ towards the end of their final meeting , because setting off for America , unlike the North Pole , while it may or may not amount to doing anything ( Crime and Punishment does n't raise the question ) marks a parting of their ways .
27 Mr Glancey is inaccurate when he says that the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham rejected an ‘ inspired scheme ’ by Terry Farrell for the reconstruction of Hammersmith Broadway .
28 Moreover , he says that the present level of interest rates may mean that instead of prices stagnating next year they could fall by around 10 per cent .
29 He says that the skill shortages that followed cut-backs in the 1979–81 recession forced industry to recognise the importance of training .
30 He says that the airline and motor industries have seen their worst , that semiconductor orders are rising ( IBM 's share price is up by 10% so far this year ) , and prices of metals such as aluminium and copper have rallied .
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