Example sentences of "as if we have " in BNC.

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1 It is as if we have frozen the beauty or anaesthetized it in an image ; but the images are like the humming birds of a museum case , the real and living beauty is incomparably brighter for those birds are gems that flash their iridiscent colours in a tropical forest .
2 When we feel the peak experience , it is as if we have struck one note of the human nightingale , but the human song will be very long and very beautiful and few there are that have heard the symphony of their own being .
3 as if we have n't got enough in real life .
4 Much talk with friends of what result we would ‘ settle for ’ — as if we have any choice .
5 Why , then , does a contemplation of his life and work leave us feeling zestful rather than discouraged , as if we have been brushed by someone with an incorrigible belief in happiness ?
6 '' It is as if we have to be deeply conscious of our need and eager for God 's promised blessings .
7 as if we have n't got enough of our own shoe-gazers facing redundancy or ( at best ) a future mini-cabbing , Hut have decided to import Boston 's Drop Nineteens .
8 We can live in a place ten years and within a fortnight of moving out it is as if we have never been there .
9 After all , it 's not as if we have n't been forewarned . ’
10 Remarks ( i ) On the face of it , it looks as if we have six results to prove , namely :
11 It is as if we have two pairs of eyes , one pair inside and another outside the blinkers : without this , Golding 's technique would not produce its ironic effect of dual vision .
12 We act and will continue to act as if we have free will , whether our actions are determined or not .
13 as if we have n't got enough on our plate !
14 ‘ It looks as if we have a few customers waiting out there , ’ she managed lightly .
15 as if we have enough droughts without we it , people like
16 Mm , as if we have n't got enough .
17 Cos it 's not as if we have to keep it for the weekend , I can do it during the week .
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