Example sentences of "as a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 possibly Count Raymond offered to do homage to Henry and to hold Toulouse as a fief of the duchy of Aquitaine .
2 For Raymond , whose county had been held as a fief of Aquitaine since 1173 , the replacement of Richard by his elder brother held out the prospect of release from a galling sense of subordination .
3 Innocent asserted his paternal protection of Frederick and the position of Sicily as a fief of the papacy .
4 As a member of the Territorial Army Reserve he held the rank of Lt Colonel and served a period as a co of the OTC .
5 As a Prince of Tara , you are , after all , entitled to be told , but as a Prince of Tara , you must promise , solemnly and absolutely , that you will never , no matter the circumstances , reveal what I am about to tell you . ’
6 ‘ As a Prince of Tara , you are , after all , entitled to be told , but as a Prince of Tara , you must promise , solemnly and absolutely , that you will never , no matter the circumstances , reveal what I am about to tell you . ’
7 Though one thinks of The Bartered Bride ( among other things ) as a cataract of marvellous vocal melody , it is rarely well performed in Britain , mainly because of our lack of really deep-chested lyric tenors of the type that can making singing Czechs such enthralling neighbours .
8 Unlike a probation order , which was not regarded as a sentence of the Court , a suspended sentence ranked not merely as a sentence , but as a sentence of imprisonment , with a condition attached which activated the element of custodial confinement only if another offence was committed within a stated period of not less than one year nor more than two ( originally three ) years .
9 Unlike a probation order , which was not regarded as a sentence of the Court , a suspended sentence ranked not merely as a sentence , but as a sentence of imprisonment , with a condition attached which activated the element of custodial confinement only if another offence was committed within a stated period of not less than one year nor more than two ( originally three ) years .
10 As that course had not been taken , the sentence of three years ' detention took effect , by reason of Criminal Justice Act 1982 , 5.1B(S) as a sentence of 12 months ' detention , and the excess of the sentence over 12 months ' was remitted .
11 The appellant had been sentenced to a term of detention which took effect as a sentence of 12 months ' detention in a young offender institution , and the Court 's powers were limited to declaring that that was the effect of the sentence passed by the Crown Court .
12 ‘ But there are powerful arguments for custody , not as a sentence of first resort but certainly as one weapon in the ‘ armoury ’ .
13 This could be seen as a sign of healthy growth and change ; yet the new fittings and equipment installed are usually totally insensitive to the design quality of the original .
14 We learn it , though , as a sign of his going to seed — and we wonder .
15 There can be no doubt that the PhD , no longer seen as a sign of unusually high scholarly achievement , has become simply a certificate of professional competence , and that intellectual standards have declined accordingly .
16 Despite the contempt expressed in the past for the American principle of ‘ publish or perish ’ , British universities are more and more looking at volume of publication — otherwise , ‘ performance indicators ’ — as a sign of virtue .
17 ‘ Publication ’ is increasingly important , not just to secure advancement in an individual academic 's career , but as a sign of an institution 's status .
18 Andrew Crisp from Winchester was applauded loudly for describing the rise in base rates as a sign of ‘ clear leadership ’ ; and each reference to the central plank of Mr Lawson 's strategy was a signal for a demonstration of approval .
19 The American journalist , Bernard Nossiter , even saw Britain 's decline of manufacturing output as a sign of advance and of maturity , since the British , civilized and civic-minded as they were , were proclaiming the need for more leisure and less regimented ways of living .
20 The union troubles mounted apace that autumn , partly as a sign of growing strength .
21 As a sign of the future , Ernest Bevin , Minister of Labour , and one of the senior Labour Party ministers , said his party had rather different views on the matter , but would accept the general proposals for the time being .
22 Saris are seen as a sign of the wearer being progressive .
23 EAST and West Germany have set in motion a big spy swap , as a sign of rapidly improving relations , it was announced yesterday .
24 East and West Germany have set in motion a big spy swap , involving 28 agents , as a sign of rapidly improving relations .
25 ( Everyone in Cornwall who supported King Charles planted a Scots pine outside his house as a sign of welcoming like-minded passers-by who might be in need of protection .
26 Like National Health Service consultants , they treat waiting lists as a sign of status rather than a symptom of failure .
27 Indeed , West German officials in Brussels find that the prospect of German unity can make it easier to extract concessions from Bonn : the words ‘ but minister , this will be taken as a sign of German nationalism ’ work wonders .
28 Even the government 's re-entry into the gilts market as public borrowing has risen is seen as a sign of hope .
29 They lead us to form expectations on the basis of present signs : a prudent man will take a violently red morning sky as a sign of impending storm .
30 We commented earlier that his gifts for Esau were fit for a king , and such as a rebellious vassal might offer as a sign of his remorse and willingness to return to obedience .
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