Example sentences of "as the [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Before my hon. Friend concludes what some people might describe as the Linlithgow questions , may I point out that there are indeed many in COSLA who would still argue , even at this late stage in our discussions on the Bill — very rushed discussions indeed — that if the Government are determined to take the colleges out of local government , there is still an important role for COSLA .
2 You will notice on the printed sheet that Ashbone and Wallis of Twitchit are named as goalkeeper and centre-half for Dorning , and that the Saliki twins of Dorning are named as the Twitchit substitutes .
3 Dundee 's Andy Nicol , to his astonishment , finds himself lining up against the All Blacks , having begun the season as the Scotland Students ' scrum-half with hopes , possibly at best , of a B-team cap .
4 As the Scotland fans dispersed in shame , heading for the bars of Soho and the long train journey home , they created one of the country 's most enduring jokes .
5 Germany is at last waking up to the what has been clear to outsiders for the past year or so , that there is going to be no quick fix to the recession it is facing and that it will be long and grinding : this week the BDI industrial federation admitted that the downturn could develop into Germany 's worst recession since the end of World War II , saying that the western German economy will continue to decline , and the fall will be deeper than previously thought , so that in important sectors such as the capital goods industry the downturn will represent a new post-war record ; the body blames weak foreign demand for German goods , the now over-valued mark and rising costs for German industry and now admits it is the result of structural problems that will have long-term economic effects .
6 Such alliances tend to be as fleeting as the chance encounters and re-encounters of fictional characters in Anthony Powell 's A Dance to the Music of Time ( 1951–75 ) ; and the conversation of young friends , as potent in all likelihood as any literary influence there is , is largely beyond the reach of the historian , even the contemporary historian , except as guesswork .
7 So if we consider the capacitor and the battery together the total energy of the system decreases as the capacitance increases .
8 There is an unrelenting solidness for a split second , and then a massive surge as the chub plunges for the roots .
9 And as the charity shelters close , many more will be put back in their cardboard boxes .
10 As the charity organizations keep reminding us , millions of people continue to die in Africa and Asia from diseases which are both preventable and curable .
11 Mr Maurer cites the deal announced in January that allowed the Texan heirs of an American soldier to collect $2.75m from Germany for the return of stolen medieval artefacts known as the Quedlinburg treasures .
12 In fact the pollution control officer has as indices of activity neither the policeman 's arrest rate nor the evidence which some other compliance system enforcement agents can exploit , such as the dollar amounts recovered by consumer protection officers ( Silbey , 1978 ) .
13 And as the buzzard travels , and the lark lifts
14 Had M1 been retained as a narrow measure of money supply , it would have shown a sudden increase as the sight deposits in the Abbey National would now have been included .
15 Bull is licensed to develop and build products based on IBM technologies such as the RISC architectures and the AIX Unix operating system , as well as the right to develop products based on research generated at the Somerset Design Centre in Austin , Texas , where Apple Computer Inc and Motorola Inc are also partners .
16 And his face was the face of the hawk as it stoops , and the face of the shrew as the hawk stoops .
17 String variables are written as the character bytes in the string plus a carriage-return .
18 As the character candidates are received from the pattern recognition process the combinations of characters are checked for validity in the lexicon .
19 After an hour or so the Carpettes still linger in the parking lot as the coach doors slam shut .
20 Some detail can be added to the superstructure of the yachts , such as the coach roofs , doghouse and hatch covers .
21 It was recognised , however , that as the crew members became more experienced and gained seniority there was a need for specialised navigational training so that they could replace No. 1 's and eventually Commanders .
22 Indeed , many blacks were skinheads or formed their own crews , such as the Kilburn Blacks and the Kilburn Whites .
23 LINFORD CHRISTIE was named yesterday as the Panasonic Sports Personality of the Year .
24 As the survey shows in order to ensure survival businesses have realised the need to market cost-effectively ’ .
25 Fairbanks found that when sea level first began to rise as the ice sheets melted , 17,000 years ago , it did so at a rate of about 4mm per year .
26 He believes that such vast and unexpected escapes of sub-global meltwater might have occurred a number of times as the ice sheets broke up at the end the Ice Age .
27 During the Pleistocene , however , things might have been different : as the ice sheets moved further south they brought tundra conditions to latitudes as far south as Spain , and the resulting climate and environment at these lower latitudes would have been unlike anything known today because of differences in rainfall and solar incidence .
28 Is it possible to fit the 90/110 door tops as the metal runners keep rusting out .
29 They also , however , supported voluntary effort and legislation , such as the Factory Acts , to help children who lacked adequate family support .
30 Although all the steps ( a ) to ( d ) were completed by the balance sheet date , some would argue that as the redundancy costs are to be incurred in the next year , they are not liabilities that should be recognised in the current year 's accounts .
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