Example sentences of "as part [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As part of the course , she has to choose a subject of her own about which to write a paper ; one of her difficulties is to know how to form her own views , not just copy already received opinions .
2 As part of the audience you are as much a part of the entertainment as the performance itself , and this is something that dramatists are aware of and have always written for .
3 Many Roman catholic schools up to 1968 were financed for capital expenditure by the local church as part of the church 's determination not to lose control of them .
4 Roman catholic church leaders have used additional local studies to refute arguments which treat Roman catholic schools as part of the Northern problem .
5 However the Saloon Bar was only one section of the pub , and only originated as part of the trend of the 1890s towards gentrification .
6 As part of the Mercury communications empire , it can do anything : why not order beer through Bravo ? ’
7 ‘ Management should regard a full training schedule as part of the total cost of the system and include this total sum in the system 's payback calculations .
8 As part of the whole process of computerising its information systems , Catering & Allied is making neat use of the Psion Organiser II alongside personal computers loaded with the Caterdata software from T IS .
9 And as part of the special mid-festival event , we will show YOUNG SOUL REBELS , Issac Julien 's film about young black DJs in the London of 1977 , which won the Critics Prize at this year 's Cannes film festival .
10 Three new shorts commissioned by the jointly funded Arts Council/Channel 4 ‘ Eleventh Hour ’ scheme , are being screened as part of the main festival programme and three other films form part of the programme at the Birmingham Museum and Arts Gallery which accompanies the festival .
11 Fees for this can be included as part of the ‘ reasonable ’ cost of the work and grant given .
12 The ethnography we pursued and the seminar papers we created all tended to include the subjective ‘ I ’ as part of the discourse , and we were encouraged to explore the effects of our history , our social , political , sexual , and economic influences and include our vision of what we had experienced during the fieldwork situation .
13 But why do those particular nerve endings count as part of the auditory system ?
14 As part of the design to construction stage I developed the ‘ Gothic bracket ’ .
15 The fee for this usually comes as part of the crematorium fee .
16 But on the Southern Region , ¾ mile Laverstock loop ( last used in 1859 ) was reinstated at Salisbury linking the Basingstoke and Romsey lines as part of the £2million Salisbury resignalling scheme .
17 Even if it seems inappropriately mentioned , any fall used as part of the design has to be carefully worked out .
18 As part of the college course we took a trip to Bristol to help with an evangelistic outreach .
19 And if the robot control function requires a signal filter , it would seem sensible to incorporate the filter block as part of the DSP recognition software rather than reach for discrete analogue components .
20 The Duchess of Kent , as Patron , attends the launch of Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund 's leaflet ‘ Help is There ’ as part of the Europe Against Cancer Year at London Weekend Television , South Bank Television Centre , London SE1 .
21 As part of the deal Mr de Ferranti agreed to stand down in favour of Sir Derek and to allow James Guerin , International Signal 's founder , to come on to the board as deputy chairman .
22 As part of the deal in Spain , a Nomura representative will have a seat on the board of the investment bankers , Banco Santander de Negocios .
23 But the investigators said yesterday that the explosive could have been illegally packed into the hold as part of the cargo , without a detonator .
24 We Westerners may take them for granted as part of the furniture of any self-respecting office and available to all on every high street .
25 The wave of arrests of UDR men took place yesterday morning as part of the investigation into security force collusion .
26 One idea is that SHV wants to sell its Calor stake to Burmah and , as part of the deal , take a 15 per cent interest in Burmah .
27 ‘ I thought I would use a grenade ’ , said Vu Van Hau , a 22-year-old Vietnamese soldier who served for three years in Kompong Cham and Kompong Thom provinces , before returning to his native Ho Chi Minh City as part of the September withdrawal .
28 The Conservative Conference : A lone police officer on duty on Blackpool seafront yesterday as part of the increased security there for the Conservative Party conference
29 The Conservative Conference : A lone police officer on duty on Blackpool seafront yesterday as part of the increased security there for the Conservative Party conference
30 Two weeks ago , a detective inspector from the office was suspended as part of the inquiry by Chief Supt Peter Nevitt , a divisional commander in the force .
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