Example sentences of "as a [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Estate agents are cautious about taking the profit rise as a sign the slump in house sales is over .
2 As a compromise the Running Foreman agreed to have the engine fully prepared and ready .
3 Taking the river Loire as a boundary the lands north of this reflected the Norman influence — that same influence which produced England 's Norman architecture also that of Sicily and southern Italy .
4 The highest court in Britain is the House of Lords , but when they sit as a court the Lords consist only of a panel of members who have long judicial experience and who have been appointed as Law Lords .
5 He replied that he held his power in Italy by the same right of conquest established by Charlemagne and Otto , he had come , he said , ‘ not to receive as a suppliant the transient favours of an unruly people , but as a prince resolved to claim , if necessary by force of arms , the inheritance of his forebears ’ .
6 She describes as a calamity the declaration by the Director of Public Prosecutions that there is ‘ insufficient evidence ’ to initiate proceedings against Juliette by the Marquis de Sade .
7 These may include calls to follow the Lithuanian lead and abolish from the Soviet Constitution as a whole the clause which guarantees the Communist Party a leading role in society .
8 In India as a whole the figure is about 40% ( see chart ) .
9 In London as a whole the grammar schools ( twenty-one of which were directly maintained by the London County Council ) were for many years to admit 17–20 per cent of each age group , and the movement towards comprehensive schools was painfully slow .
10 In the universe as a whole the two directions of time are indistinguishable , just as in space there is no up or down .
11 As a whole the season had not brought a successful fishing , which , sad to relate , would condemn to bachelorhood for another year many Lewismen who waited a successful season to enable them to begin life in partnership with a fisher lass .
12 While in the world as a whole the dispossessed may outnumber the reasonably well-off by some four to one , in the democratic ‘ market economies ’ of the capitalist world their minority status assures them lasting subservience to the democratic majority .
13 The proportion of Roman Catholics in the most senior posts rose to 25% , but in the force as a whole the proportion dropped from 11% to 4% .
14 The early twentieth century was very much a period of collecting together the data and presenting it en masse , seen at its best in G. Baldwin Brown 's exceptional study of the material of Anglo-Saxon archaeology as a whole The Arts in Early England ( 1903–1937 ) .
15 Taking Primary Schools as a whole the curriculum is probably wide enough to serve curriculum needs …
16 But in Europe as a whole the car was still a rich man 's toy .
17 In Britain as a whole the number of domestic electricity consumers rose from 9.7 millions on nationalisation to 14.3 millions ten years later , reflecting the increase in the number of households as well as a sharp reduction in the proportion without electricity .
18 Taken as a whole the acts envisage several grades of gentleman .
19 Taken as a whole the Turneys formed a not unimportant family of landed peasants and yeomen all living in the neighbourhood of Leighton Buzzard .
20 I would be sorry not to hear Mravinsky 's incandescent performance of Siegfried 's Funeral March again , but that is also available on Olympia , and as a whole the Erato Wagner disc is difficult to recommend .
21 As a whole the reading calls to mind that of Del Monaco ( Karajan/Decca ) , and is none the worse for that , but misses the better manners of Pavarotti ( Solti/Decca ) and Domingo ( Maazel/EMI ) .
22 For six of these ( 24 per cent ) the duration of their last job was less than 12 months and for the group as a whole the average was less than 17 months .
23 In Inner London as a whole the average level of population loss fell from 63,000 per year in the early 1970s to 14,000 per year a decade later .
24 In non-metropolitan districts as a whole the rate of population growth in the first years of the 1980s was less than half what it had been a decade earlier , though again most of the fall preceded 1978 .
25 Within Ireland as a whole the Protestants would constitute a clear minority , easily outweighed by the Catholic and nationalist majority in Ireland as a whole .
26 True , in the country as a whole the reform helped to reduce the proportion of peasant households within the commune .
27 This was somewhat ironic since within the Tory Party as a whole the early '60s saw a marked decline in the proportion of Eton-educated aristocratic MPs and a rise in the proportion of the ‘ professional middle classes ’ and career politicians , but with the fourteenth Earl of Home as figurehead , Wilson 's charge seemed plausible .
28 As a whole the nobility failed to respond to this call .
29 The question then arises whether it is right to attribute to Parliament as a whole the same intention as that repeatedly voiced by the Financial Secretary .
30 The 300,000 extra jobs created over the seven-year period was in proportional terms close to the rate of employment growth in England and Wales , but for the South-east as a whole the rate was much higher .
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