Example sentences of "as [subord] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He made as if to talk to them when they melted before his very eyes ; he could n't believe it and as the guard approached he told him what he had seen .
2 He held her face between his two hands and his glance penetrated her as if to see into her soul as he asked , ‘ Are you seeing any of those actors ?
3 When the couple had gone upstairs to bed , Mr Stephens packed his bag for the next day 's outing , bolted the doors firmly — for many of the men stayed in Cockermouth drinking for three or four days and would roam the streets at night looking for somewhere to sleep — and then , as if to atone for those first designs he had on Emily , he picked out Silas Marner from his bookshelf and wrapped it up as a present for her .
4 as if to seal off the barbarians and leave them to their own devices , Hadrian 's Wall was built from Solway to Tyne between AD 122 and 127 .
5 Ockleton pointed in turn at a broadly built man smiling conventionally towards the camera and a short , fleshy fellow beside him raising a glass as if to join in a toast .
6 Energy radiating from one focus is reflected by a hyperbola as if to radiate from the other focus .
7 Sometimes , when I made a move towards the cottage door , as if to leave on some errand , he called me back .
8 Zeno 's head was lifted as if to search for scents on the air .
9 Creggan called out once more after her , powerfully , and Kraal stared at him in silent surprise and just a little awe , while unnoticed by any of them the meek Slorne relaxed a little and seemed to nod her head , as if to whisper to a waiting sky , ‘ Yes … yes … yes . ’
10 The referee glared at the crowd as if to ask for silence : how is a wrestler supposed to concentrate ?
11 The President made as if to reach for Trent 's hand but the effort was too great , or perhaps the shame .
12 A few of the men were pointing at him , struggling as if to go to his aid but being restrained by their companions and womenfolk .
13 Doone made as if to go after him , then stopped indecisively and came back .
14 She moved as if to go by him , but he stuck out a hand and grabbed her arm .
15 Scott quotes the case of a man who was persecuted by visions during a period of sickness and depression ; one of these visions was ‘ the apparition of a gentleman-usher , dressed as if to wait on a Lord Lieutenant of Ireland … arrayed in court dress , with bag and sword , tamboured waistcoat and chapeaubras ’ who ‘ glided beside me like the ghost of Beau Nash …
16 as if to compensate for this , he applied military techniques in the colony .
17 Ruthie , as if to compensate for her boss 's powers of vision , seemed to have every known complaint of the eyes short of blindness .
18 His eyes are pinpoints , surely the smallest in any Modigliani portrait , as if to reveal to us the man 's utter lack of vision .
19 Burun turned as if to walk with Alexei towards the head of the stairs .
20 Rehabilitated by the partnership with Sien , refreshed by the gleams of baby life , confirmed by Theo 's continuing supply of materials and basic finance , and by his unflagging moral support , he was ready to move in closer , as if to feel on his skin the buried heat of creation and experience its terrific energies .
21 She also wore large red-frame glasses , although she wore them on top of her head , as if to keep in place the shock of ginger-red red hair which she 'd rubber-banded into a pony tail down most of the length of her back .
22 Finally , when his hand was on her shoulder , she half-turned , slapped his arm away , and made as if to burst inside the tower for sanctuary .
23 Subjects were then asked to carry out the following manoeuvres : ( 1 ) maximum voluntary contraction of the sphincter for 20 seconds ; ( 2 ) strain as if to defecate for at least five seconds ; and ( 3 ) increase intra-abdominal pressure by forcibly expiring against a resistance ( blowing up a party baloon ) .
24 Increasing intra-abdominal pressure by straining as if to defecate in control subjects produced a variety of anal pressure waveforms incorporating both anal contraction and anal relaxation ( Table II ) , and corresponding with the external anal sphincter myoelectrical activity .
25 ( as if to attest to their virtual invisibility , homosexual acts between women had never even been covered by the law that was being repealed . )
26 He turns his old head wearily , as if to indicate to his family the kind of people he has to deal with these days .
27 But my bit had yet to come ; I had no idea if we had sustained damage to the undercarriage , although we had three greens burning bright , I motored in as if to land on new-laid eggs ; all the crew , including Jock the engineer , were at crash stations and we landed " soft as a mouse 's instep " , as Spike used to say .
28 In many cases he will try to over-compensate by rushing around doing things for others as if to prove to himself that he is needed .
29 Hope shook his head and sat down carefully as if to concentrate on his tea leaves .
30 as if to escape from the great pool of light , the destroyer gathered speed , but it moved with her , red , green , and orange tracer streaming into her sides .
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