Example sentences of "as [conj] it were " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You tend to treat life as if it were a game of cricket , for one thing . ’
2 She put her bag with the story on the passenger seat and drove as if it were a newborn baby .
3 Although the majority of scientists tend to be a little coy about metaphysical matters in their professional publications , they are often less so outside when writing elsewhere , being prone to describe the framework of presuppositions about perception within which they conduct their investigations as if it were a discovery in its own right and that ‘ discovery ’ an explanation of perception .
4 Harriet puts her head on Jen 's shoulder , her long straight strange hair fanning across Jen 's breast as if it were her own hair , and her own short , coppery/gingery hair stops standing on end at the ghost in the wood and begins to flow loose .
5 At low levels of excitation this structure , outlined in Fig. 1 , will obviously behave as if it were an inefficient transformer .
6 The small khat traders from Djibouti , who travel the route as if it were the local bus , shrieked and angrily rearranged their shawls and robes .
7 as if it were not enough to battle the elements and their colleagues ( the crew includes a freaked-out Naval officer with a nuclear warhead and an itchy finger ) , Harris and Mastroantonio are a husband and wife with marital troubles .
8 SSP is straightforward to operate and is paid by you , the employer , as if it were normal pay .
9 Each scrap of news any one of them had about themselves or their immediate family — child , husband , dog , cat , Bendix dishwasher , a new dress or pair of shoes , the price of every article they bought — was as fascinating to each other as if it were their very own ; and any little thing out of Great Meadow was pure binding .
10 As the diesel train came in and people were already picking up suitcases from the platform Moran turned and kissed her as if it were a last good night to all the nights she had come to him .
11 Frau Nordern took the phone again , bellowed ‘ Karl ! ’ several decibels louder than Omi , shook the phone as if it were a recalcitrant child , listened again , then put it down .
12 HERR NORDERN would have recognised the scene inside the Station as if it were a replay of a film , or a remake , rather : the shady characters and the drunks , and the badinage reflecting a curious bonhomie between the Duty Officer and the offenders , although the cast was different and , it being later , the Station was busier ; the offenders looking more offensive and the policemen more policeman-like , bigger , harder , and , in all senses of the word , more arresting — although , big and hard though they were , two of them , bundling out an unfortunate to a police van , gave way respectfully to Frau Nordern as she stalked towards the desk .
13 But she said that almost as if it were expected of her rather than with conviction — and the family knew it .
14 This piece of advice might suggest that his grasp of the ‘ new psychology ’ was still at the rudimentary stage , since he speaks of a neurosis as if it were something avoidable .
15 Trying to define , or speaking as if it were possible to define , ‘ precisely what He meant ’ by saying who He was , was a sort of profanity .
16 This is nothing compared with the spectacular catalogue of gargoyles and grotesques found elsewhere : South American lemurs ; crocodile-toothed , bulging-eyed monsters ; tormented faces emitting vegetation as if it were ectoplasm ; demons gulping down children , baboons , and even snarling severed heads .
17 There was already a rather perfunctory air to the Queen 's visit three years ago , as if it were just a required coda to her tour of China .
18 The Venerable David Silk , Archdeacon of Leicester , summing up the theological opposition , said that in ordaining women the Church of England would ‘ cease to be part of the Catholic , apostolic church and would be behaving as if it were the whole of Christianity , or a mere sect ’ .
19 Margarete 's memorialising book about Milena , published when the author was already in her late seventies , gives grimly graphic pictures of camp life , and underlines , as if it were needed , how the two womens ' all too comprehensive experience of two totalitarian systems led Milena to declare that Stalinism and Hitlerism were indistinguishable ( as a result of which the communists ' leader in the camp declared that ‘ after the liberation Milena Jesenska and Margarete Buber-Neumann would be stood up against the wall by the Red Army . ’
20 There is a particular kind of French personality who always pronounce the word francais as if it were a football he is heading towards less privileged mortals .
21 The exchanges were exceptionally unfruitful because of Mr Berge 's way of delivering every reply as if it were the last word any resonable man would wish to hear on that particular matter .
22 The best way to face irresistible change is to behave as if it were welcome .
23 It says the company 's marketing of Cisco is dangerously deceptive ; it induces unsuspecting teenagers to guzzle it as if it were a standard spritzer .
24 Somehow I feel as if it were purer — certainly it would be honester- ‘ to do the thing we fear ’ .
25 It is no wonder that what we see becomes identified with , and spoken of as if it were the same as , what we touch .
26 When the Alternative Service Book was threatening the absolutism of the Book of Common Prayer a few years ago , the Book of Common Prayer was being spoken of as if it were on a par with Holy Writ .
27 She heard herself say , as if it were someone else : ‘ What is it you want from life , Christopher ?
28 He could picture the scene as if it were yesterday .
29 We had our little mock boxing-matches , in my study , circling round the table as if it were a ring .
30 Strange , because he , an elderly bachelor , dry and very conventional , seemed perfectly composed , as if it were the most natural thing in the world that Mrs McLaren 's white hair should be hanging about her shoulders , and that she was naked to the waist , showing all her poor sad bosom , her clothes hanging from her sodden with water .
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