Example sentences of "as [conj] [pron] were " in BNC.

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1 Ali poses a question , his eyes closed , his lips parting as if her were sliding open manhole covers .
2 The customs officers run their eyes over us as if we were n't there .
3 It is absurd to disagree about whether we should be fixed to the Deutschmark or not , while behaving as if we were .
4 It is as if we were to pay family allowances to every third family on a different scale in each place .
5 Perhaps this is a challenge to put it at the centre of our lives , to think about it and , this Lent , to read the story as if we were there .
6 If we did see some figure approaching , or standing in the distance , we would release our tense handclasp , fingers intertwined , and walk apart , puffing idly at our cigarettes or lighting new ones from Pablo 's box of fosforos , as if we were just friends out for a casual stroll .
7 as if we were saying : Sod you , I do n't care .
8 Matata shook his head again , as if we were fools .
9 For example , many soap operas omit older people entirely , as if we were all perpetually middle-aged !
10 Many eastern approaches are passive in that they aim to empty the mind , or help us to reach the stage whereby we become observers of our own thoughts as if we were somehow separate from them .
11 as if we were royalty , Alec thought with an amused smile ; as if we were Tudors or Plantagenets .
12 as if we were royalty , Alec thought with an amused smile ; as if we were Tudors or Plantagenets .
13 It was borne upon us pretty quickly that the interested watchers were wearing air force blue , and that from the distance it probably looked to them as if we were all stark naked .
14 The townfolk always stared as if we were doing it on purpose , and that made us feel worse .
15 We ran the race as if we were competing in a 100 metres , charging full tilt at the bends .
16 It was foolish , even stupid ; it was n't as if we were even contenders for a medal .
17 It is as if we were to carry our own sonic searchlight with us .
18 It seemed as if we were flying in the 1930s .
19 In the bar that evening we felt as if we were in the movie Top Gun as U.S. Navy pilots sang , ‘ You 've Lost That Lovin' Feeling ’ to us .
20 There was an odd sort of camaraderie about it all , as if we were the front-line troops in battle .
21 She could be pretty serious and honest , though , explaining hurt and pain as if we were all openly human like her , and not screwed-up and secretive and tricky .
22 I liked that idea : it seemed aristocratic to me , just walking out empty-handed as if we were above all objects .
23 Yet he had photographs of her in every jacket pocket , and they fell out of books at the wrong time and upset Eva ; and when he asked me about Mum , Dad and I had to go into another room , away from Eva , as if we were discussing something disgraceful .
24 You two behaved as if we were still in the sticks .
25 Some people think that having reasons for faith is an insult to God , as if we were desperately grubbing around for make-shift reasons to believe in him .
26 The method of composition helps to explain the feel of the blank verse ; it should be read aloud , in a quiet meditative manner , as if we were listening to a man trying hard to clarify his own thoughts about a difficult topic and at the same lime explaining it to somebody else .
27 He must be living in a dream world talking about the traditions and vitality of rural life as if we were still stuck in the Middle Ages .
28 After spending some time there ( as if we were actually present ) we will gradually come back to the present day , and as we do so we will become more reflective and try and push the present away from us — making it strange — by maintaining a certain distance from our immediate history .
29 Individuality counts for little as the nurse in the antenatal clinic brightly calls us ‘ Mother ’ , and the doctor treats us as if we were half-witted .
30 We constantly come across situations where colleagues treat us as if we were just raising points of sexuality to be difficult , or as a piece of axe-grinding .
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