Example sentences of "go up [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 In July 1914 air travel was still a novelty to many people and during an outing by employees of an Accrington firm of billiard table makers to Blackpool , a deaf employee named Jack Hargreaves became possibly the first deaf man ever to go up in an aeroplane when he went up as a passenger in a two-seater Fokkers biplane piloted by a Mr. H. Blackburn .
2 There was this scene right at the end where the woman lights a cigarette after she 's left the gas on the cooker on and everything goes up in an explosion ; and then in the very next advert there was a car driving through a field , and the whole field went up in a sheet of flame .
3 The first of the new spreadsheets , called Improv , which builds spreadsheets using simple English commands rather than manipulating clumsy grids of rows and columns , should sell 500,000 copies before June , when the price goes up from an introductory $19 to the full $195 .
4 I have been telling them about the different sensitivity which Asian women have to their babies and the fact that you ca n't just go up to an Asian woman with the diet leaflet and say you should be giving your baby Cod Liver Oil , because 90 per cent of Asians in Wandsworth are vegetarians .
5 One can hardly go up to an admiral of the fleet and ask him what he was doing on the night of Friday the thirteenth .
6 Rateable values can go up after an appeal
7 These same men use one set of laws to cancel the effects of another , for example , the application of the law of aerodynamics , enables them to cancel the effect of the law of gravity , that 's why you can go up in an aeroplane .
8 The eyebrows go up in an arch that would make a complete circle if they carried on down , the lids over those eyes , likened to a cobra 's by Candice Bergen , narrow to a slit ; the gleaming white teeth flash through the pursed lips in what Vogue editor Diana Vreeland called a ‘ killer smile ’ .
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