Example sentences of "go [adv prt] with his " in BNC.

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1 He began to talk again about Stephen handing him the wedding-dress , how he 'd walked away with it and had then sat down on a seat on the promenade , not wanting to go on with his act any more .
2 This simply goes along with his being the archetypal great detective , and even with Dostoevsky making him a vehicle for the airing of central thematic issues .
3 They were the organization , or company man ; the conformist who goes along with his superiors and finds balm for his conscience in additional comforts and security of his place in the corporate set-up . ’
4 And of course he goes in and the horse drops in the far side of the wee barn , and er Old goes in with his dram and he dips it into the horse trough you ken , and he turns you ken with his regimental ,
5 If there was a single reason , thought Henry , why he was once again determined to poison her , it was probably her stubborn refusal to go along with his earlier attempt .
6 At 25 she is just about half his age , but she 's happy to go along with his old-fashioned — some would say chauvinistic — belief that a wife 's place is in the kitchen .
7 The largest companies told Mr Chiles they were willing to go along with his programme in the belief that they could compete .
8 the o the old farmer used to go along with his one furrow plough , and a pair of good horses , and it was no mean feat .
9 Whether he would have come to that conclusion if the building was betting-shop is an interesting thought , but we ‘ ve been delighted to go along with his judgement .
10 After touring the factory Mr Lilley said talks were going on with his department , the EC and industries and he admitted that the EC should have a common policy on the issue .
11 But his attitude he 'd been taught to get on and do things so that he would be painting the back of the house or going on with his hobby or doing jobs on the car .
12 No , she was not going along with his decision as to how they should spend their holiday .
13 Neither of you has admitted it , but Peter must have promised you something for going along with his mad scheme in the first place .
14 Although close to death — he died shortly afterwards at his Ilminster home — he insisted on going through with his contribution .
15 He was intending to go up West himself that evening , but hardly expected to meet McAllister when he did so , seeing that , for once , he was going out with his disreputable brother Stair , and God knew where they would end up — nowhere respectable , that was for sure .
16 mm Rory still going out with his girl friend ?
17 What about might be going out with his mum or something , or going to his gran 's .
18 Chris had written a letter to Tina Jelly in Aldershot saying that he still loved her and missed her a lot , but was sure that until he came home she would be able to go out with his mates from the Royal Signals .
19 He was a member of the football team his dad coached , he loved to go out with his friends , he did n't always pay enough attention at school but always did well in exams .
20 She 's consumed by love for Grant and just ca n't grasp the idea that she could be doing something else if he goes out with his mates and , understandably , he resents the way she intrudes on the time he spends with them . ’
21 He had plenty of time to prepare this great phrase , for the outrage was said to have happened in 1731 and he was not asked about it until 1738 , but the delay led to no awkward questions ; by the late 1730s Parliament was growing increasingly annoyed with Spanish interference with British trade , and it was not willing to let Walpole go on with his peaceful policy .
22 While Milton grappled with two telephones hung from a sort of yoke around his neck and into which he alternately spoke in a staccato mixture of best Variety showbiz-patter , friends , clients and droppers-in gathered to laugh and gossip in his office while Milton imperviously went on with his wheeling and dealing .
23 Dana went on with his friend to see her off at Le Havre , while I made my way to London , where I was joined by Dana a few days later .
24 He gave a wry grin and went on with his brushing .
25 Then Ryan , who had not noticed the embarrassment , went on with his explanation .
26 He hastily smoothed her ruffled feathers , then went on with his questioning .
27 He nodded , he smiled , he went on with his work , sitting in a tangle of new black cable like some kind of leprechaun among urban roots .
28 He put the guitar down and went on with his story .
29 He went on with his conversation without glancing up .
30 He just went on with his task , his eyes on the horse , his strong brown hand working methodically .
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