Example sentences of "go [to-vb] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They wanted opportunities to participate in the decisions that were going to affect their country 's future .
2 Nobody left the queue : they were n't going to lose their place , they 'd been queueing for an hour .
3 going to lose their job .
4 ‘ I want to challenge and excite as much as I can but I 'm not going to create a work for the Scottish Ballet that is going to drive their audience away . ’
5 From the very beginning policymakers must make clear the principles which are going to inform their decision making .
6 Of course , against England , purely in terms of the tackling , they were always going to find their expatriate , Dewi Morris , from scrum-half , an awful lot more of a handful than Rob Andrew .
7 Firstly they need to decide what the video is to be about , who is to take the roles of sound recordist , camera , interviewee , etc. , and how they are going to tackle their project .
8 er I think a couple of things : first of all , the detail programme ; the government will have to produce for the forthcoming World Climate Conference in October/November , er the way in which they 're going to reach their target and secondly that will also discuss from amongst all the countries , what the target should be .
9 No parent is going to bare their soul to an uninterested , cool , busy professional .
10 But the people of Glastonbury are n't going to surrender their king without a fight , as Clare Lafferty reports .
11 They 're going to give their verdict tonight , as to whether they can afford to pay fifty pounds a week .
12 I work for a sports info service and would be interested to see how they are going to do their version .
13 He was certainly not going to do their job for them .
14 An opponent of the Vance-Owen peace plan , Mr Biden called on the Europeans to remove their troops from Bosnia , if they were going to use their presence as an excuse to prevent the Bosnians from defending themselves .
15 You will understand , come on hands up who 's going to understand their objective tomorrow ?
16 Davies snapped the ball from the back of a ruck to send a drop goal sailing home true after 26 minutes but when Nial Malone equalised with a penalty two minutes later and then added a drop goal in the 32nd minute , it looked as if Oxford were going to turn their pressure into victory .
17 But even with or maybe because of the structure put in place so far ( UX No 418 ) , its still getting that taste of an old-boys network up yonder and wonders where the key visionary , operations , financial analysis and strategy talent is going to come from , or when DEC 's youngbloods are going to get their chance .
18 You would certainly need convincing that they were going to change their management practices .
19 Juliet was getting a strong feeling that this party was going to change their relationship in some way , but she did n't know how .
20 Scientists and politicians are not going to change their language to suit the alleged capacities of pupils in schools .
21 There 's been a lot of people in the village signing a petition and erm shouting about , but these people are going to come and , as the lady has said , they are going to pay for their erm rent , they 're going to pay their Poll Tax , they 're going to be obliged by the law to pay their Poll Tax .
22 Sewage works were not going to pay their way , or make a profit .
23 erm I think there are one or two of the elderly tenants in particular who felt really very anxious about activities at night time , and they 're going to have their property stolen , or things thrown at their house .
24 Sue 's erm current school Sue 's current school have made positive-but-need-to-be-paid-for-it noises , so I 'm going to telephone their headmaster .
25 He said , " You need n't think I 'm just going to give up , that I 'm just going to take their word for it ! "
26 In other words they 're going to ask their body to do less and less and less .
27 ‘ We are going to back each of them because we are going to make their fight to keep their jobs our fight to keep Scotland 's industry . ’
28 If everything you give them that 's got protein in and it 's going to make their condition worse , what , what have you got to do ?
29 A further 31% ( 65 ) went to see their doctor — suggesting that over 80% had consulted their general practitioner at some time .
30 Their planning was meticulous — Mem used buckets of her son 's Lego to work out where every radiator and socket should go to accommodate their furniture .
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