Example sentences of "go [coord] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As Jonna rose to go and change back into his working clothes , he flushed with resentment .
2 Yeah I 've got to go and wake up John now .
3 So he had to go and clear up .
4 You did not choose me , I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit , the kind of fruit that endures and the Father will give you whatever you ask of him in my name .
5 Er two bedrooms , it was a number sixty six Street in those days , there were new houses built on where it is now , I have n't been into Palfry for years but er there were five houses in the row , there was a family named at one end , there was us my nan of course we were next to , next to us was Mrs , a Mr and Mrs , and then er that was one side of the entry the other side of the entry was a family named , they had quite a large family , there was er two or three of those married Mrs and then er then Mrs they were all relatives , cos there was no such thing as overcrowding in those days you got as many in as you could you see , there was , another was Mr and Mrs she was a daughter of Mrs there was Mrs and Mrs she was another daughter of Mrs , and then er there were , there was a , a young man he was a son of Mrs , the were I think show people originally cos they were a bit anyhow there were five houses down the yard we had n't got running water in the sink , we had a , a big stone pump pipe in at the bottom of the entry we all had to go and draw out our own drinking water from this one standpipe .
6 And that is why , as Mr said , I think they ought to be allowed to produce some sort of advertising pamphlet , and get their act together , because if they 're going to go and compete out there they 've got to be prepared for it , and we 've got to allow them to give a decent presentation , at least have a decent glossy brochure to push round , so at least they can say what they do , because they will never compete when they are privatised unless they get it .
7 Why would I want to go and wander around on these featureless big sods at the weekend , when I could be rollicking along a precipice on a terrifying , craggy west-coast mountain ?
8 I used to go and stay there at Christmastime , after Father died , and there was always a nice present on the juniper tree for me and lots of good things to eat .
9 Aunt Bessie used to go and stay there and take Mother along too .
10 Many Titfords over the years , we know , have uprooted themselves from one place to go and settle elsewhere .
11 She refused to budge until she 'd got one or two matters in order , and , ignoring the fact that he looked ready to go and hunt up her bag himself if she did n't soon move herself , ‘ Is it all right for you to invite me to Mr and Mrs Hepwood 's home ? ’ she asked for starters , and braved his acid glance that said he 'd hardly be likely to issue an invitation if it was n't .
12 I 've told him to go and sit quietly .
13 ‘ Do you want to go and sit down some place ? ’
14 Used to go and sit down .
15 If she succeeds , the person has to go and sit down .
16 I 'm Nigel I 'm Chief Executive of the National Charity Community of Transport which is based in Manchester , and it 's that last point which is really significant behind my question , and it concerns your new premises and , I 'm one it 's a question as to what your planning to do , and secondly , a request if you 're not , er , that you could provide within that some working space for people from out of town , to use when we 're in London , complete with things like , you know , coin operated fax machines , because I find I spend quite a lot of time in London , you have meetings on successive days , you have time to kill , and there 's no where sort of , comfortable to go and sit down and get on with some things .
17 now they 're asking me to go and sit down between them ,
18 Sheepdogs are also difficult to teach to leave stray sheep they have gathered , to go and gather more .
19 D' ya have to go and pay again ?
20 Absolutely , you see the sad thing is that Simon has a seven point five five average erm we sort of balance that out , you know , erm Simon to go and bring in a six point National League boy — it 's not a clever situation at all in my book , but then the rules are the rules and we have to go along with it .
21 So after a quick pint with the assembled group members ( Gav , Charles , Stuart , Paul ) we had to go and queue up .
22 We 'll have to go and queue up then .
23 And we had four casters in the works and I had to go and sort out the , I 'll tell you about the find the castings that these men wanted for their lot , take them down to the castors and tell them in priority which I wanted , you know and er all that sort of thing and erm I had n't used to do any , making any locks hardly at the end , you know I had , I had before but er if I might say so , er I became mo the most important man on the factory , you know .
24 When they reached the garage Leo left her to go and sort out the problem of the Land Rover , and Hilary continued on alone .
25 up they threw out onto a dust heap and I used to go and sort out all these bits and er
26 You have to go and measure up .
27 Once again it brings me in to the point where er double glazers have to go and measure up then do their , I know they 've got lovely lap tops I 've seen them now with their lap top comp their little samples there special catches here .
28 Aye , Temple was but it , it was a good job because we had no oranges and they had to go and break in .
29 Anyway , further down the Carter tour sheet , the band had an evening off in Atlanta and decided to go and check out a local restaurant which , they found , belonged to MICK JAGGER .
30 He supposed he ought to go and sign on ; let the unemployment people know he was out of a job again .
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