Example sentences of "what would [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 What would 've happened ?
2 What would 've happened if the red ball had gone through ?
3 What would 've happened if absolute egalitarianism had been pursued and absolute egalitarianism had worked and there was enough land for everybody to come up to a middle peasant status and you 'd created an absolutely e equal society ?
4 ‘ Yer never know what would 'ave 'appened if it 'ad n't rained . ’
5 The Danes , and the Swedes , were already perceived to pose a missionary problem in the ninth century ; their Christianization was one response to what would become known to historians as the Viking threat .
6 He remembered this because it was the day on which the BBC Home Service had announced the news that Her Majesty the Queen had given birth to what would become known as Prince Edward .
7 What would have kept your brains from falling out ? ’
8 What would have caused far more concern to Wild Will would be the existence of a possibly retarded bastard in his home , at his expense .
9 I wonder what would have remained .
10 What would have made an intelligent man do that ?
11 What would have made your plans possible ? ’
12 Curzon was wont to complain , and with justice , that Chamberiain ‘ forgot all about India when he launched his scheme ’ , and whimsically mused on ‘ what would have become of him and us if he had ever visited India …
13 One wonders what would have become of Steven Morrissey if fate had n't dealt him his measure of success .
14 If Uncle had n't been there to support me I do not know what would have become of me .
15 It is impossible to check the validity of this statement , as the Government has consistently refused to provide the key information necessary to make this calculation , namely details on what would have paid out in the uprating allowance of supplementary benefit had it still been in force in April 1988 .
16 You got a lot of people slacking up because there 's no real punishment … there 's a lot of people in this school what would have worked if they 'd been pushed . ’
17 As the first set of declaration reports were produced , it became apparent that development within the zones would not be significantly different from what would have occurred anyway ( Corby District Council , 1981 ; Newcastle upon Tyne , 1981 ; Swansea City Council , 1981 ) : planning controls were often retained along zone boundaries ; Special Industrial Uses , including noxious and dangerous processes , were still subject to control ; and , on occasion , environmental improvements were written into declaration reports .
18 We observe only outcomes of what we presume is the exercise of power , and are forced into conjecturing what would have occurred if power had not been exercised .
19 Otherwise I would have been sent back to my country and I do not know what would have happened to us . ’
20 Mr Copeland also worked out what would have happened if a competing firm in the same industry had merely taken on the same amount of debt as the LBO did , without being bought out .
21 Had Gooch not been injured who knows what would have happened in the last two games ; but then , West Indies had their share of injuries , too .
22 There will always be the question as to what would have happened if the last remedy had been the first prescription but in my experience that 's the sort of question homœopaths ask rather than patients !
23 What would have happened if penicillin had not been discovered , or if years of patient research had failed to explain why sulphonamides acted only on a limited selection of microbes ?
24 But ‘ Shakespeare 's Sister ’ ( which took its title from a Virginia Woolf essay on what would have happened if the bard had been female , a different way of looking at women although one has to search hard to find any reference to this in the actual song ) was hardly the band 's most shining masterwork , merely a jumble or rock and rockabilly plummeting through 129 seconds which fail to motivate the memory cells .
25 And she had asked him what would have happened to her if she had not had these good friends who had come to her aid and given her shelter , and when , in the form of an excuse , his answer had been , did n't she realize that he was distracted ? she had come back with , did n't he realize he had almost killed a man , that he was lucky he was n't in gaol now answering a charge of murder ?
26 It is one of the ‘ ifs ’ of history to speculate what would have happened if Khrushchev had succeeded in getting more of his way — shoe bashing or no shoe bashing at the UN General Assembly .
27 It is interesting to speculate what would have happened but for the winter of 1709 .
28 I 've often speculated since on what would have happened if we 'd just given ourselves up at this point .
29 Since this policy was never implemented , the question of what would have happened if the resources for new hostels had not been forthcoming remains hypothetical .
30 She knew it was best , but she could n't help wondering what would have happened if she had n't been so proud on Christmas Day .
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