Example sentences of "what we be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is always some value in looking back in history , and I offer a quotation that best seems to describe what we are about today .
2 what we are about , or what every sales company should be about is making money .
3 Now , having spent a hard eight years making clear what we are against , the time has come to describe what we are for .
4 Now , having spent a hard eight years making clear what we are against , the time has come to describe what we are for .
5 He issued a call : ‘ Most of us know what we are against .
6 I agree , sometimes I can tell you I have witnessed a hunt and on a cold , frosty morning when er about forty or fifty horses are thundering across the ploughed field , it 's enough to p the power of that sight is enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up that 's not what we are against the hunter that came to me and says Eh up lad , I wo n't go drag hunting because I 'm sixty years old , I 've done it all my life and I like the ride , I like to be there I never see a fox killed that 's fact , it 's in the video .
7 His response is to try to see clearly what we are in the scale of things :
8 Thus , it is clear that what we are in fact dealing with is an issue of political theory , the proper location of power and responsibility .
9 There was a trinity within everyone , consisting of the three powers of the soul which corresponded to the three divine Persons : memory , understanding and will ; it enabled us to be , to know and to love what we are in the same way as God knows and loves himself .
10 What we are in all our shapes and sizes has been fashioned and contoured through both inheritance and experience — the comprehensive impact upon us of our parents , childhood and upbringing , and with it those joys , dramas and significant experiences which contribute to what is sometimes called our adult self .
11 Doubts as to even the possible reality of such a law , arising from an excessively empiricist conception of the possibilities of being , prove unreasonable in the light of the establishable fact that both the every day world in which we live , and we ourselves , are only appearances of a realm of things in themselves whose true nature is hidden from us. for this opens the possibility that what we are in ourselves is essentially rational beings , belonging to a society of rational beings , while what we are as appearances is sensory beings .
12 What we are in effect considering are the implications of debt resulting from earlier decisions about financing .
13 What we are in the business of doing is providing people with houses who are in housing need .
14 What we are after is consistency , ’ he said .
15 I 've got it here in , in , in black and white , Mao said what we are after is the abolition of feudal ties , to get rid of feudalism .
16 What we are after really is a national campaign .
17 Once we have this model , we will not worry too much whether what we 're into is presence , power , proclamation or whatever kind of evangelism .
18 He wanted us to open up for them on tour , and I said , ‘ No , that 's not what we 're into ’ .
19 ‘ The idea of nicking a Stones riff and putting it behind a James Brown backbeat and howling over the top is pretty appealing , but it 's not really what we 're into as a band .
20 ‘ The idea of nicking a Stones riff and putting it behind a James Brown backbeat and howling over the top is pretty appealing , but it 's not really what we 're into as a band .
21 Erm I think that that in the same way as if we went down too low , could be considered to be er a change of strategy and I think what we 're about is to try and reflect the currently er approved structure plan strategy .
22 That leads me to conclude that the only way to erm resolve matters is through consensus and I 'm sure that that 's essentially what we 're about today .
23 Paul , point Q does not apply to access by telephone which is what we 're for .
24 As Chuck explains , ‘ Any system that 's rated sets a tone , a feeling , and that 's what we 're after . ’
25 Some of the costs are met by head office — it gets all of the revenue because we sell in this country — but in the case of France where we have a separate legal entity , what we 're after is contribution statements by unit of accommodation for the UK revenues , and one or two other costs with those French locally incurred expenses .
26 that could be as valu those issues which have come from members could be addressed I think we might achieve what we 're after .
27 What we 're after , I think , is what you are naturally inclined to say , without conceptual hindsight .
28 I 'm not convinced that we can establish exactly what we 're after erm the sort of conversation or communication
29 What did you tell him what we 're after ?
30 Erm it it does like this sir that I would imagine that what what we 're after here is a policy which would enable a local authority if it so wished to put into its local plan a strategic site .
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