Example sentences of "what we [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 And als , erm and on them three services is what we said a few moments ago , they got the choice of three different options .
2 We have indicated that the unthinking and undiscriminating use of questions — often closed or low-level — may reflect what we term a ‘ taboo on didacticism ’ , a sense that children at all costs must not be told .
3 The clay would n't lea you could n't clear the buckets , so we used to what we had a grafting tool , that was like a spade but that was , er , that was er , narrow at one end , the spade at the bottom end was a bit narrow so you could cut th cut the clay out of , out the buckets and that was a hard job too .
4 what we had a nice , a nice thick slice of
5 because I thought you had to be in post this is what we had a problem with with Napier 's request for recognition
6 Sippl , who rues the fact the Unix industry ca n't agree on a common desktop interface , reflects that it 's ‘ scary that one vendor [ Novell Inc ] is about to take over what we spent a decade building ’ largely because he offers the customer homogeneity .
7 Sippl , who rues the fact the Unix industry ca n't agree on a common desktop interface ( UX No 426 ) , reflects that it 's ‘ scary that one vendor is about to take over what we spent a decade building ’ largely because he offers the customer homogeneity .
8 What will happen to all the people that perhaps do what we regard a slightly mechanical work , but nevertheless get a rewarding activity out of it .
9 What we do is prompted by what we believed a minute or a year or a century ago .
10 That 's what we used a say during the war .
11 One could imagine a ‘ price pause ’ for a limited time ; but after that — is there something familiar about all this ? — one would have to start discovering which prices ought to rise and which ought to fall to offset them , and this is just what we want a commission to do for us because we pretend that we do n't know how to do it for ourselves .
12 That 's what we want a
13 With a horse , I had a horse then , and er there u there used to be er there used to be three or four of us there with horses and we we used to The the the From the coal face there used to be all individual horses bringing odd tubs into a turnout What we called a turner which was a collection of different tubs you see ?
14 And , Ridgeways , we had a special bits , what we called a fast bit , for er for the er o the bodywork an and instead of having the the pointed er er er cutters on , it was the flat cutters , you see , they was a bit faster .
15 He was what we called a School Board man as well he was , that was his official capacity , and in those days if you were n't at school they used to erm send a man round to see where you were , you know and why were n't you at school ?
16 ‘ They 'd have what we called a vandyck back and sleeves — a fancy stitch something like waves — on the shoulders and the cuffs .
17 We had a thing what we called a hay-strewer ; and we had an old horse that we put in this hay-strewer .
18 Cart and er they put er what we called a big thing over the hays The hay Called that the hayrick over the .
19 And er any bigger kitchen , there was nearly always er what we called a box bed in it , and er it was er That was where the mother and the father lived .
20 It would have done but he , he used to be what we called a proper chain smoker , oh he must have smoked hundreds of Woodbines in a week , must have been hundreds , that was his life .
21 So from a mass master timetable , each bus , route number was interpreted on to a what we called a running board and er it was that that the driver ran to .
22 And then there would be a big , what we called a big shafting , going along the the side of the barn with pulleys on it .
23 and there 'd be two pulleys on that , what we called a loose pulley .
24 Its group managing director , Robert Ayling , said : ‘ We made what we considered a generous settlement offer .
25 This morning we are going to carry out What we call a ‘ pairs obs and recce ’ task .
26 Look , that 's what we call a ‘ goat ’ . ’
27 There were three soldiers going house-to-house with fifteen photographers and a couple of TV crews ; it was what we call a ‘ dog and pony show ’ .
28 We also have what we call a flexible breakfast here as well .
29 They could tell from his footprints in the snow that he had been trying to find a fold , which is what we call a stone shelter built for gathering sheep .
30 What we call a Yorkshire angle , Tony !
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