Example sentences of "what we did [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had two people working for me then , and basically what we did for two years was to do this type of work on unbelievable amounts of equipment .
2 ‘ And these must be fulfilled ’ ( a banker 's way of saying what we did for Brazil we can do for you ) .
3 Rather than looking at the proposal we decided that it was so that 's what we did really and that 's why , if you have a look down there right , so all we 're doing then we 're working through the resources and allocating them room numbers erm and then when that 's done so that 's what we did for each of the little rooms .
4 Looking back it is difficult to justify what we did at times .
5 No , would you tell me what sort of word it is remembering what we did at the beginning of the week
6 What we did at that point , was to get together a task force of people to examine the idea and where it was going : the people doing the work and the people who were likely to understand the most likely market — put them together in one room to reason their way through to the fact that we really ought to drop the project .
7 ‘ Are they causing a stink over what we did at St Denis the other night ? ’
8 But i it grew slowly over the weeks and I think Christmas was an example of just the actual logistics of what we did at Christmas must be something of a feat in that so much stuff came in from the volume of presents and then the way in which they could be distributed .
9 That 'll be a nice idea , it 's a bit tricky , you remember the Chris what we did at Christmas , that went really well , and we thought perhaps something similar book for Easter , yeah , do n't know what we 'll do but cos people like John and , so he 's not teaching full time , in fact some of the schools have holiday are n't they ?
10 Oh I du n no , I do n't know what we did at that
11 You 'd have to do what we did on the other page .
12 ‘ Well , I do n't want to do … what we did on Sunday . ’
13 ‘ You do n't want to do what we did on Sunday , do you not , you prim little Victorian ?
14 Sometimes I get confused between work and socialising , especially when we spend our off-duty time discussing what we did on duty .
15 ‘ I would n't use the word ‘ sacked ’ to describe what we did with Chris .
16 That is extremely confusing for her , cause she has on her computer , she has various versions named in two , unless she destroys previous versions of M2 when she does this one Well she should she should overtype the correct one Which is n't what we did with M1
17 Do you know , do you know what we did with that , that Cadbury 's Creme
18 What we did with , we bought her a little guitar so that she can play it and have a bit of music and something to do
19 ‘ I feel tremendously guilty about what we did to Shaun .
20 We bury our victims in secrecy ( strangled princelings , irradiated reindeer ) , but history discovers what we did to them .
21 You have three days to do what we say , otherwise we 'll do to your father what we did to Valesio .
22 And somebody was gon na go and review the relevance to this organization , so that we could determine what we did about it .
23 I reflected that I was sitting there letting her do so on the assumption that those notes would be our reference point for what we did over the next few weeks .
24 As a rule we had do tell everybody what we did over the weekend which was called our ‘ news ’ and we usually did this first thing on a Monday .
25 We have sold what we did through a lot of physical effort er of a few .
26 ‘ We have to try to build on what we did in Australia because we have n't time to do anything else , ’ McGeechan said .
27 Today , I think people would say that a lot of what we did in those early days has been influential in the general brightening up of the high streets in this country .
28 If there is an address , it is often given by a layman , who commends what we did in life and skims discreetly over the question of survival , if any .
29 We have endeavoured to give people who are very similar in talent the opportunity to play , so what we did in France was not difficult .
30 Did n't we have er a membership thing which said about erm membership form which actually explained what what we did in if you want to join return this sort of thing .
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