Example sentences of "what is [verb] or " in BNC.

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1 Second , it is commonly the case that what is highlighted or backgrounded is an attribute , or range of attributes , of the entity referred to .
2 All forms of communication and travel arrangements are stressed now and , although there is bound to be a change of plan early on in the month , what is planned or agreed around the 10th ought to send you merrily on your way .
3 As part of society , elderly clients and their carers may be contributors to a racist or anti-racist society by what is said or done .
4 What influences the young child is not so much what is said or meant by the adult 's question .
5 The imperative 'need to find regularities ' which Popper speaks of , coupled with Bartlett 's ‘ effort after meaning ’ , constitute a powerful expectation in human beings that what is said or written will make sense in the context in which it appears .
6 One way of doing this is to look behind the literal , formal meaning of what is said or written , and to consider what the sender of a message intends to achieve with it , to try to understand its function .
7 One way of doing this is to look behind the literal , formal meaning of what is said or written , and to consider what the sender of a message intends to achieve with it , to try to understand its function .
8 So far as the arguments about those who already hold racist views are concerned , there is a possibility that they will be stirred to action by what is said or written .
9 In fact here , as less obviously in the theory of base and superstructure , what is presumed or presented as theory can be seen , on further examination , to be the extension and generalization of the ( often very significant ) problems , preoccupations and observations of a particular cultural period .
10 If you want to be at all selective about what is recorded or about what is viewed , you need to be able to edit in some way .
11 Understanding what is written or spoken does not merely involve understanding the meaning of individual words plus their syntactic and semantic relationship within a sentence .
12 The situation is quite similar therefore to that with the verbs of perception , which explains why Kruisinga and Erades ( 1960 : 366 ) have pointed out that " the perception or causing is thought of as happening simultaneously with what is perceived or caused " .
13 If you have any questions about what is involved or whether you qualify ask your nearest Citizen 's Advice Bureau , Sheriff Clerk 's Office ( at the Sheriff Court ) or the Court of Session , Divorce Section ( SP ) , Parliament House , Edinburgh EH1 1 RQ ( Tel. 031 225 2595 Ext. 316 ) .
14 ‘ And does n't Our Lord heal what is shattered or faulty ?
15 Meaning can be conveyed in subtle ways : through tone of voice , pauses , stress given to different words or syllables , and even by what is left unsaid , by what is inferred or implied .
16 What counts for the sake of higher education is the student 's ability to understand what is learned or what is done , to conceptualise it , to grasp it under different aspects , and to take up critical stances in relation to it .
17 If these methods work , they may be used to modify fiduciary duties to avoid any conflicts with what is permitted or required by regulatory rules .
18 I do n't go too often and usually eat what is forgotten or left in the library . ’
19 We concluded this chapter by discussing another aspect of language comprehension which forms a major part of pragmatic processing , namely the way in which understanding of what is spoken or written often involves going beyond an interpretation of what is explicitly stated .
20 Refrain from finalising important transactions until after Mercury turns to direct motion on the 18th , even though what is offered or suggested around the 4th and 11th appears to fulfil your requirements .
21 * Presuppositions are sometimes embedded with particular verbs , including FACTIVE VERBS like " regret " or " know " , which presuppose that what is regretted or known is a fact .
22 In certain areas there are mismatches between fiduciary duties and what is required or permitted by SIB and SRO rules .
23 As the following chapters will show , the useful and helpful functions of art criticism will receive preference in the choice of what is quoted or discussed .
24 This is a notion often based in part upon perceptions of what is happening or is felt to have already happened in other countries , and the most widely used comparison is drawn with the USA in mind .
25 And if you 're not satisfied with what is happening or not happening you should say something but grandma insists that she must n't upset
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