Example sentences of "what was [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 DRAINED by the exercise of inferring what was holding together two pieces of stick inside a cardboard box , a first-year science pupil at Gillingham comprehensive school in north Dorset advanced the opinion that the national curriculum was ‘ just another posh name for different subjects ’ .
2 Quite glad to abandon what was turning out to be a very wet hunt , she walked with the little girl back to the hotel .
3 I said well you see I was making a time machine and all I needed was one more microchip and what was sitting right up under my nose ?
4 WE live at a time when reporters go to foreign countries where there is trouble and come back to write books in which they say that it was hard to make out what was going on .
5 They would of course let me know what was going on as soon as possible .
6 Such an insider 's account will therefore hopefully achieve the ‘ finer grain and detail ’ MacDonald ( 1987 ) demanded of postmodern ‘ anthropology at home ’ , while ‘ practical mastery ’ of the ethnographic field should reduce the problems faced by McCabe and Sutcliffe ( 1978 ) , who set out to pursue participant observation on the police and found that ‘ it would be necessary for anyone wishing to fully understand the process of policing to take into account the difficulties in gaining access and an understanding of just what was going on ’ .
7 What was going on ?
8 More importantly , it reflects his laconic style , and what was going on under the surface :
9 I was one of the first ones to be flown out and then there was a postal hold-up so I had real trouble finding out what was going on , and also trying to organise to have him brought home .
10 Jim Doel , the chief executive , said he had failed to find out what was going on .
11 It appears from the German newspaper report that the Bonn authorities , in the form of BfV , were told what was going on following MI5 and MI6 's involvement in 1981 .
12 The prime minister hardly minded much , as yet , what was going on .
13 I could n't make out what was going on so I began walking towards the image , binoculars pressed to my eyes .
14 So we used to sit and listen and try to work out what was going on , which gave the Lone Ranger even more mystery .
15 He could n't actually tell me what was going on because that would put him in shtuck but he was trying to tip me the wink .
16 By the time the Warriors had reached the objective , the riflemen in the back had been sufficiently aware of what was going on around them to know that their own survival would depend on the spirit of fight they could produce .
17 The Ops Room telephone rang continuously , and the staff were kept busy handling reports as well as keeping HQ AMF(L) informed as to what was going on .
18 Twenty-one days later the Prince arrived to see what was going on .
19 What was going on was such a success that the idea was launched nationwide five years later , in April 1990 , as Volunteers .
20 Roger Penny , Deane 's immediate superior : Admitted ‘ out of touch with what was going on ’ , and frankly accepted a degree of responsibility .
21 They simply did not know what was going on .
22 Too many of us now say that they did n't know what was going on , and that they were long opposed to what was happening .
23 I offer a flask of Featherwheel 's famous body lotion ( ‘ Wave goodnight to cellulite ’ ) as seen in Blackeyes ( BBC 2 ) to anyone who can describe , without breaking into a light sweat , what was going on .
24 The first number we did was ‘ I 've Got My Mojo Working ’ and the people in there were n't quite sure what was going on .
25 There were lots of dealers there and lots of dope going around and David , to some extent anyway , seemed slightly an outsider , being very quiet and just arranging the gigs , but he was never really a part of what was going on .
26 Ken Pitt : ‘ I think the great problem was David was always very insecure and because he was n't achieving the renown he wanted , like most artists he began to worry , bearing in mind that David was now living at Haddon Hall with a few of his friends , all of whom were unaware of what was going on in the office and how we were planning David 's career , what progress we were really making .
27 His interest in what was going on in America was always strong .
28 I thought I had all the answers although I did n't know what was going on .
29 It takes about three days to get a call out and I remember DeFries did n't answer any of David 's calls because I think he knew what was going on .
30 deFries , being a straight guy , would n't have known what was going on .
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