Example sentences of "what is now a " in BNC.

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1 One problem is that there do not seem to be many potentially blue-chip names in the pipeline , ready to join what is now a severely restricted group .
2 before a final all-embracing italicized section , looking back in its typography , placing , and , most importantly , its rhythm , recalls the opening nursery rhyme chorus , but gives it a universal voice which seems to include all that we have heard before in what is now a ritual chant ending with an appropriately childlike sound ,
3 Many men feel a very great sense of despair and discomfort upon entering what used to be their home with their wife , but what is now a house that seems to demand a lot of time-consuming work .
4 What is now a forest in the Wokingham , Bracknell and Camberley triangle was originally part of a great moor , hence the name of its most famous feature , Broadmoor .
5 These are two ways of expressing what is now a widely accepted notion .
6 What is now a series was once a single law .
7 Water is due to be impounded in April 1984 and the reservoir will spread over 3500 hectares of what is now a semi-urban area .
8 This small selection of articles only covers a fraction of what is now a large field , but it does point the way towards more effective reconstruction of tissues and organs .
9 The milieu in which I met James in 1975 was that of the florid young Lord Alexander Hesketh , undoubtedly the last figure of unbridled fun ever to have competed in what is now a grimmish , strictly money-oriented sport .
10 A complete review of what is now a vast , varied — and sometimes idiosyncratic — literature would take us well beyond our available space and our aim here will be to summarise the main approaches to the topic , in order to try to disentangle some arguments in the debate and draw some general conclusions from it .
11 What I am suggesting is that you should not underrate your ability to succeed in what is now a highly competitive market place .
12 The Unix Forum ‘ 92 expo and conference is being held May 26–27 at the Internationales Congress Centrum Berlin in what is now a united Germany .
13 The Unix Forum ‘ 92 expo and conference is being held May 26–27 at the Internationales Congress Centrum Berlin in what is now a united Germany .
14 XVT , which first surfaced back in 1989 , is probably the most mature of what is now a growing bunch of tools offering a single developers toolkit for multiple graphical user interfaces — competitors include Neuron Data 's Open Interface and Open Inc 's Aspect .
15 Indeed , the SVR4.1 ES work cleared out much of CPU-specific code that had crept into SVR4.0 , resulting in what is now a clean porting environment , according to Price .
16 New regulatory measures specifically geared towards conglomerates may therefore be needed to deal with what is now a more urgent and pressing problem .
17 What is now a temptation would become a compulsion .
18 Where what is now a carriage museum was once a woollen mill where the red shirts for Garibaldi 's army were made .
19 Because we feel uneasy about our difference from other democracies which do have labelled constitution , we turn to what is now a peculiarly British usage of the word to prove that we are not really different at all .
20 What is now a spacious , much-loved kitchen and casual eating area , for example , was once a muddle of little rooms — sculleries and larders .
21 And Malone wants a drastic improvement in what is now a preparation game for next Friday 's Irish Cup semi-final with Cliftonville .
22 It abuts on to what is now a road running along the frontage of a number of houses .
23 We have tried to respond to increasing demands from what is now a growing membership .
24 It will mean added congestion on roads , which are barely adequate to cope with the present traffic , not to mention more people brought into what is now a pleasant rural area .
25 ‘ This area , Miss Williams , might encompass a few square miles of countryside , but it will also take in what is now a very unsightly rubbish tip .
26 Fossil plants are of great use in plotting the many shifts of climate that happened during the Tertiary : a humid-tropical flora may be found in what is now an arid region , or a warm-climate flora may be found in an area that is now decidedly cool .
27 The statue of the Virgin at the centre of the building is a work of the Maestro Campionesi , a group of sculptors and architects working out of what is now an enclave of Italy entrenched in Switzerland , Campione d'Italia .
28 The wartime bombers did n't seem to care what went up ; by contrast the PIRA did and cared so deliberately as to set out selectively to destroy what is now an illusion — the sanctity of hospital in which , regardless of loyalty or background , so many thousands of victims of our vicious little civil war have received care since those nights in August 1969 .
29 The independent states which will be created as a result of Russia 's disintegration will be able to strengthen the economic cohesion of what is now an awkward conglomerate of disparate regions .
30 Borland became a thorn in both their sides long ago , with the very first version of what is now an extremely popular spreadsheet .
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