Example sentences of "what they [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Californians have a reputation for latching on to fads , and it 's true — yet a lot of what they preach is eminently sensible .
2 What they show is that no matter how objective or impartial enquiries may seek or claim to be they are always in some degree preconceived because they are preconditioned by cultural assumptions of one sort or another .
3 What they seek is a quiet , undisturbed family life .
4 The Palestinians , many of whom are desperate as a result of roots in the poverty of the refugee camps , hold few cards other than their determination not to be subdued and the ‘ armed struggle ’ through which this determination is sometimes expressed ; what they seek is recognition of some form of statehood on Palestinian soil .
5 They are no longer refusing to accept the evidence of their own eyes but are hoping there may be some sort of rational explanation for what they fear is an irrational event .
6 Some of his male colleagues boasted about how they 'd felt with various women , raising an arm to show what they 'd been like .
7 It had n't been what they 'd been told to expect by the Daily Mail .
8 He had been let down several times , they had done all sorts of things without asking him , and sometimes he only found out what they 'd been up to when the papers rang for comment .
9 But then they 'd still presumably report back to the main group about what they 'd been doing .
10 He used to sort of let the girls know what they 'd been at .
11 Some of them very negative , and how much they hated doing what they 'd been made to do er , and others very surprisingly made it known that they had thoroughly enjoyed it .
12 That 's what they 'd been told to do .
13 The aroma that exuded from the chemist shop in those days like er Depends what they 'd been using you see ?
14 The vibrancers had truly believed what they 'd been taught and had never questioned anything .
15 ABC tracked me down after seeing some of the papers in my case and wanted to know if I could confirm what they 'd been told .
16 Some could n't say what they 'd been wearing themselves , but their female colleagues usually gave us some idea . ’
17 in the end she took the children home with her , erm it was so different from what they 'd been used to in those erm
18 I mean everybody knew what was going on , they might have had their own interpretations of what they 'd been told , but that happens , and as I said you know , every decision was voted on by the full lodge of the three quarries .
19 What they 'd been over there to a stallion ?
20 They , they , what they 'd been doing was shooting them over and they 'd just had n't been exploded , they said dud shell or something .
21 Oh god , mind you there was a fire last night , and the fire could n't tell , just by looking at somebody , what they 'd been up too , you get .
22 That 's what they 'd been fighting for for twenty years .
23 What they lack is the courage and confidence to pursue their conclusions to their logical outcome .
24 Everyone got happily drunk together and a good time was had by all ; so long as the band kept the beat , what they played was immaterial .
25 The auction houses quite wisely retreated , leaving specialist dealers bemoaning what they alleged were short-sighted policies .
26 What they resurrected was the idea of orgiastic music , a feast of sound — something that contravened both punk 's parsimonious and anorexic tenets of economy and tightness , and pop soul 's belief that The Song is best served by understated , deferential ‘ backing ’ .
27 The Americans believed that priority should be given to the restructuring of the European economies in the long term whereas the British were preoccupied with what they argued was a short-term dollar crisis .
28 Reading between the lines , what they meant was that they were not going to train people who might keel over and die before the CAB had had its money 's worth .
29 But what they produced were at best permanent monuments of erudition on which we still draw , and at worst giant-sized pamphlets which are now read , if at all , only for their interest as literature .
30 What they ignore is Charlton 's ability to dispense knowledge acquired when turning out in more than 600 matches for Leeds United and 35 in the England colours , his World Cup experience of great and possibly lasting importance to the Irish cause .
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