Example sentences of "what [modal v] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 They cause no great problem to anybody , and what ought to happen is that the gipsies and certainly the tinkers ought to be encouraged to buy sites and develop them and police them themselves .
2 What ought to remain is a technique for learning , and a grasp of intellectual principles that may be applied and reapplied in different circumstances .
3 He led an attack on what ought to have been his own castle , and blew it up with dynamite !
4 The Norwich City and Scotland striker , a figure of such unmitigated misfortune that money deserted him at the height of what ought to have been a highly lucrative and rewarding career .
5 If the wording of a trust has been omitted and the other provisions accord with what ought to have been written , by analogy with institution as heir and with legacies a trust will be understood to be duly given and insufficiently expressed in writing .
6 In February an Empire Crusade candidate beat the official Conservative into third place at East Islington , and left Labour holding what ought to have been a very vulnerable seat for the Government .
7 In many respects you are only being asked to do what ought to have been done around the time of your last birthday .
8 Brady was yesterday reluctant to say too much on the subject of his meeting with some board members , but it was obvious that the details of what ought to have been private business becoming public knowledge had disturbed the manager .
9 What may vary is the need for homogeneity .
10 And there is a point of view from which Ronald Fraser might be seen as a man of Marxist leanings who paid a professional adviser what may have been a fair whack of a working man 's wages to enquire with him into the deficiencies of his affective life .
11 Klima 's first loves have a way of not working out ; and what may have been his longest affair is the one about which least is said .
12 There was what may have been a bishop 's mitre on the skull , which grinned amiably up at us .
13 One must appreciate that with the passing of time all things progress ; what may have been of considerable interest to one generation may not be to the next .
14 There are several references to what may have been congenital syphilis .
15 Herbs are cast into the fire by the Lady of the Flowers in lieu of what may have been gory sacrifices by our sun-worshipping ancestors .
16 All these factors reduce the response rate , no matter how good the original sample may have been , so that what may have been a reasonable one-in-five sample to begin with ends up as nearer one-in-ten actually obtained , because of losses .
17 What may have been looked forward to as a release may instead be an unexpected let-down , with retirement from work adding to the feeling of helplessness and lack of purpose .
18 There was little money available for luxuries , yet in 1928 a group of children from the Royal Cross School for the Deaf , Preston , made what may have been the first ever educational overseas school trip when they went to France and Belgium .
19 FEBRUARY , May and August could be seen as rehearsals for November 's main event so that what may have been a series of happenings in these months could lead to November 's denouement .
20 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
21 In this way , Taking the Side of the Other can involve making explicit what may have been previously implicit .
22 On what may have been chosen as an auspicious day , 4 July 1927 , Sukarno founded his own party , known as Partai Nasional Indonesia ( PNI ) or Persatuan Nasional Indonesia ( Indonesian National Unity ) .
23 Singer ( 1958 ) , in a critique of the Boskop Skull which was discovered in 1913 on a Transvaal farm , points out that what may have been justifiable speculation at the beginning of the century is inexcusable now .
24 Although , as we shall see , many varied and lengthy accounts of what may have been the distinguishing characteristics of the fabliaux have been produced , the short definition given by Bédier in 1893 still attracts support : the fabliaux , he declared , are " " contes à rire en vers " " .
25 to misinterpret religious people 's behaviour and commitment ; 2. to take literally what may have been intended metaphorically or symbolically ; 3. not even to see the possibility of the truth of religious concepts .
26 The other man was found dead nearby , he too had been shot in what may have been a drugs related killing .
27 either subconsciously or consciously interpreted them to , to mean something other than actually what may have been taking place .
28 What may happen is that the returning reflected stress waves repeatedly meet the outgoing ones at some critical or unlucky point and thus the stress may pile up at this point until fracture occurs .
29 What must count is their present resources : their home , their pension , their health , their family , their friends , their psychic energy .
30 A hook solved the initial problem , then a long , unprotected traverse ( great fun seconding ! ) led to more blank wall and what must have been some truly desperate leading .
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