Example sentences of "what [be] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 'll be the press gang for thee if we do n't run off , and God knows what 's for me without thee . ’
2 What 's for what ?
3 You know , for what 's for what 's going like .
4 what 's for you wo n't go by you You often
5 What 's for you here ?
6 What 's for you ?
7 Colin Patterson on the other hand writes what is for me the most scholarly paper in the volume , pointing out that , from the transformed cladist point of view , the much discussed and abused term ‘ homology ’ actually refers to those characters that define natural groups of organisms and need have no evolutionary connotations .
8 The Japanese are being made to suffer what is for them a serious loss of face in having to pull the plug on the fifteen-month-old Massachusetts-based operation set up to build and sell Intel i860 boxes under a five-year commitment to the project .
9 Homo sapiens has chosen to venture into what is for him an unnatural environment and he does so at his peril .
10 Having a sentimental attachment for them , I can not resist mentioning the Cotswold Hills of western England where the formation still quaintly known by William Smith 's original name of the " Inferior Oolite " , reaches what is for us the tremendous thickness of about 100 feet .
11 It is our long-held view that foreign spent nuclear fuel should not be sent to Dounreay for storage , let alone for reprocessing , because it breaches what is for us a fundamental principle : that the responsibility for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel should lie with the reactor operators .
12 The Irish hierarchy immediately campaigned against what was for them a drastic solution .
13 Yet there were also great difficulties in fitting these large numbers of people into what was for them a new and strange society .
14 Ultimately , his change of pace and flight of the ball broke up the rhythm of Lee , who perhaps rather over pressed in the first set and found himself 0–5 down before he adjusted his momentum to claw four games back before Galasso 's touch and confidence returned , in what was for him a perfect final game and a match point won with a brilliant lob .
15 His idea of the " popular play " is important , since his devotion to the music hall and his belief that the poet can only be socially useful in the theatre spurred him on to achieve what was for him the unachievable : the plays bear all the marks of their deliberate and laborious composition .
16 Several months into my secondary education , this working provided what was for me the greatest locospotting thrill of the decade .
17 Shapira 's explanation is that Zoila had reached what was for her a satisfactory level of interaction and was not motivated to progress .
18 In the same month , in what was for her the last term of her formal education , Alix became engaged to Sebastian Manning .
19 ‘ I have brought you here , Miss Kyte , ’ resumed Miss Merchiston in what was for her a pleasant tone , ‘ that you may tell Mr Quatt of what passed between yourself and my dear mother . ’
20 Finally , as if rewarding us for our efforts , Yuri provided us with what was for us the highlight of the day — an impromptu performance ( to a disco beat ) which left us in no doubt at all as to why this tall , handsome athlete is Russia 's leading ballet super-Tsar !
21 The danger arises if you happen to arrive at what was for you a distressing time and there is no one there to help you deal with it in the way I shall describe in Chapter 2 .
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