Example sentences of "there are [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Just as there are families of correctly spelled words , so there tend to be families of error .
2 Allen and Burton also point out that there are families of H-H objects in the Orion cloud that are bright in the forbidden lines of singly ionized oxygen and that all such knots have corresponding iron emission features .
3 There are families in whom the two conditions coexist raising the possibility that they share a similar genetic predisposition and possibly a common transmissable agent such as a mycobacterium .
4 There are claims of drunkeness .
5 Although there are procedures for putting ‘ interrogatories ’ to another party at the pre-trial stage , they are little used in practice and bear little or no resemblance to the United States practice of ‘ oral depositions ’ before trial .
6 There are procedures to be gone through which were the same as for Mrs Thatcher 's proposal
7 Second , a place-based concern must be directed to the study of other places where perhaps there is no visible soil erosion problem , but where there are processes of spatial displacement of land-users .
8 Again , in any established class , there are processes of internal differentiation , often by types of work .
9 There are races for all age groups from eight and under upwards and also one for the disabled .
10 There are guide-lines on standards of care but these are not always adhered to even when charges are high .
11 Featuring a cast of 2,000 there are feats of strength , trials of skill , plus nail biting competition for all the family to enjoy .
12 There are portions of the original stalls remaining and some trace of the rood door .
13 Sadly , there are fatalities with trams , as with any vehicle , usually caused by careless jay-walking along the tram lines or across them .
14 While the education system is deemed to be ‘ successful ’ by the outside world , there are limits on the possibilities for change and innovation .
15 On the other hand , as Acheson said in his memoirs , there are limits on the extent to which one may successfully coerce an ally .
16 When there are limits on borrowing , a company or household in financial distress has to survive on cash flow .
17 And we do recognize there are limits on the sort of growth in that area .
18 What er Newstat does though is something quite interesting he says well we all know , well I hope you all know , that there are limits on presidential power and we all know that the president ca n't direct congress , we know the president ca n't appoint anybody without consulting congress , we know the president ca n't control the supreme court , we know all these limitations but nevertheless , leaving that to one side , pushing that to one side , there are major powers here .
19 Common sense may tell us something different : that there are limits to growth ( or more accurately , perhaps , to real disposable income ) , imposed not so much by the depletion of fossil fuels and mineral which worried the Club of Rome , but by numbers of people and the cost of a worldwide defence of the environment .
20 Obviously there are limits to what you can achieve , but you will not know what those limits are until you embark upon a programme of good nutritious eating and appropriate exercise .
21 There are limits to what they can say in explaining their beliefs , the sort of limits which we tend to accept when imagining the constraints upon giving a blind person some understanding of what the world looks like ( although , as said , it would be wrong to suppose that we could communicate nothing in such circumstances ) .
22 There are limits to the sort of events that deserve attention .
23 Pace , in a cogent criticism of Parker J. 's judgment , argues that while consistency in the law may have its merits , there are limits to the extent to which it should be pursued :
24 So , if there are limits to what we can do , and if the development of technology brings costs as well as benefits , we now must face the second question : under what circumstances do we either develop or apply a particular technology ?
25 Unfortunately , there are limits to the extent to which tribunals can lean in your favour in such a case .
26 The development of co-operation or conflict has its own momentum , and there are limits to the extent that rational effort can influence it .
27 Some invoice discounters believe the two markets will become even more separate , though there are limits to this process because the larger bank-owned organisations combine factoring and invoice discounting under one roof .
28 Clearly , there are limits to critical self-consciousness : it makes the book limp home .
29 In France , as everywhere , there are limits to what is politically possible .
30 At the same time , research evidence about how people view this in practice conveys a sense of boundaries : that there are limits to what one can reasonably expect relatives to do , and to what a person would want to rely on relatives for .
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