Example sentences of "there is [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That the ability was there is beyond question .
2 ‘ These changes mean that there is without doubt an opportunity for many funeral directors to recover VAT they once had to write-off .
3 And now let us consider for a minute what we mean by Child Art , and what difference there is between child and adult forms of expression .
4 There is of course no logical reason why things should be different this time , wrote Harsnet , why this too should not be an illusion , the illusion of imagining that I know not only what step to take first but also what step to take second and even what step to take third .
5 To the north-west , there is of course Milton Keynes .
6 There is of course an inside knowledge which makes this ‘ coherent ’ for those in possession of it .
7 There is of course a much heard debate about the fees and the services of the church , with people holding different views about whether or not there should be a charge for functions like funerals , but for the moment we are more concerned with how the ‘ consumers ’ experience the way the church 's representative reaches out to them at their time of crisis .
8 There is of course nothing new in finding new uses : Malmesbury Abbey after the Reformation became Britain 's first clothing factory .
9 Thirdly , there is of course the benefit of hindsight , which always makes the critic 's job easier , and enables a view of ‘ women and film ’ in historical perspective against a backdrop of developments within feminist cultural analysis as a whole .
10 There is of course the question of who would implement such policies .
11 There is of course a fine line between ‘ direct support ’ and ‘ regular monitoring ’ but the main distinction is that people in the previous category were visited at least once a week to give support or help , whereas people in the ‘ monitoring only ’ category were visited about once a fortnight or once a month so that the development officer could ‘ see how things were going ’ .
12 With respect to the lack of co-operation , there is of course a tendency ( not uncommon elsewhere ) for librarians in different sectors to develop groups and associations to consider the problems and work within their individual sectors , without looking backward and forward to other levels of education .
13 There is of course no reason why he should propose solutions to the questions he implies about the use of land and its ownership .
14 There is of course nothing new in that .
15 For the cat to reason this out would require considerable mental agility , but there is of course a simpler explanation .
16 There is of course a difference between a flexible general programme , able to expand/develop/change emphasis , as and when circumstances alter/new needs emerge/relevant external courses present themselves , and waiting for a course to be advertised before a need is identified , or taken notice of .
17 For example , this occurred at the start of the new Vineyard churches in England , but there is of course biblical precedent in the case of the tent making Paul !
18 There is of course no reason why individual lenders should not make insurance compulsory for their clients : its cost would have to be revealed to the customer , and it would have to be added into the calculated APR .
19 There is of course only one way to prove how good the Sherpa Underblanket really is .
20 There is of course no formal contradiction in combining austerity of devotion with ebullience of architectural and internal decoration , but the combination illustrates the contrasts which we find in almost every area of Anselm 's life .
21 There is of course , now , a growing ability to add value in other ways , particularly in the knowledge industries .
22 The behavioural repertoire of newborn infants is somewhat limited , and there is of course no question of their reporting on whether they are awake or asleep .
23 There is of course no reason why this should be the way in which library skills are taught , even in library periods ; but the use of resource-based learning as an important strategy in a school gives an excellent opportunity to build in the acquisition and practice of library research skills as part of a " natural situation " .
24 There is of course the whole domain of theories of knowledge which was explored briefly in the last chapter , but there is typically little concrete reference to curricula or courses in such writing ; it moves at a much more abstract level .
25 There is of course no reason why the patterns revealed in one pioneering study should be taken as definitive and exhaustive for all communities : it is an empirical matter to determine what kinds of pattern can be revealed in speech communities and hence to determine what the norms of particular speech communities may be .
26 The foregoing discussion has juxtaposed management and owner control , but there is of course a range of other influences that set limits to managerial autonomy .
27 This complexity must not be reduced to simple hypocrisy , although there is of course some of that .
28 There is of course another aspect to this , the cultural superstructure that corresponds to this historical basis .
29 And the general run of hosiery is that there is of course that there 's a lot more females than males but in our side pretty equal .
30 There is of course abundant Jewish evidence .
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