Example sentences of "there is [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Outside these areas there is but very patchy support .
2 ‘ The difficulty there is that absolutely everyone wants to talk — a great deal .
3 What we were trying to say is there is actually a place and my Right Honourable Friend thinks that there is and indeed so do I , for people to contribute to the problem of policing in their locality who have n't necessarily for one reason or another and my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw said , decided not to erm be on the police authority , maybe they have n't had time , maybe there has n't been their , their particular but nevertheless they do know and they do care about their locality and they have got a er er a contribution to make and we think that that would actually improve the local the police authorities , provided that they are not in an overwhelming position and that is the reason why we 've suggested that eight erm t er , er , er o of a police authority of sixteen , eight should be councillors in the majority , five should be independents and three should be er er er magistrates and My Lords and then of course the complaint was ah , but then some people may not be properly represented and the number ought to be larger .
4 There is and always has been a yawning gap at the budget end of the amplifier market .
5 Another company had difficulty in tracking down specialised research work , what there is and how to get a copy .
6 There 's projects with the kids you know get the kids to work on what they want what they want to see get them to work on their parents and find out you could find out then whether there is or not in Harlow .
7 Despite these strategies , applied in both depressed and prosperous Britain , it can not be argued that there is or ever has been a clearly defined national population-distribution policy in the UK .
8 There is as well experience of identification of assorted beads according to shape , size and colour and ( maybe ) material — wood or plastic .
9 There is as yet no shift in the overall direction of the group , which remains dominated in terms of political action by its monopoly catholic and nationalist constituencies .
10 There is as yet no vaccine against HIV infection and no cure for AIDS .
11 There is as yet no way of explaining how objects are constructed out of events ; even less how the contrast between objects and events — one of the most pervasive features of everyday experience — is perceived .
12 There is as yet no word on who will play the part of Toole 's hero , the bloated medievalist Ignatius J Reilley , though earlier suggestions for the part have included the late Divine ( Waters 's idea ) and the late John Belushi ( the studio 's idea ) .
13 And although there is as yet no solid evidence that a political settlement of the Sikh question is in sight , the change of government has brought a new spirit of reconciliation on both sides .
14 And although there is as yet no solid evidence that a political settlement of the Sikh question is in sight , the change of government has brought a new spirit of reconciliation on both sides .
15 Its comments on various therapies for some allergies are : Homoeopathy : ‘ There is as yet no adequate evidence that any benefit is conferred . ’
16 Second , there is as yet no land shortage , and new land can still be taken into cultivation without much problem .
17 As an indication of how far off implementation of a pan-European standard is , it should be noted that there is as yet no agreement on surface characteristics , dimensions , or permeability .
18 There is as yet no direct measure of endothelial damage in the intact animal .
19 There is as yet no vaccine to protect against all strains of meningitis .
20 There is as yet no generally accepted system of classification , and the method chosen should be the one most satisfactory to the individual researcher .
21 There is as yet no national service women .
22 There is as yet no general relativistic demonstration that a collapsing and rotating supermassive object of about 100 million solar masses can survive as a single coherent entity to become a black hole .
23 Many conventional doctors and scientists , however , are still reluctant to accept that acupuncture can have therapeutic as well as analgesic effects , and this is at least partly because there is as yet little theoretical explanation of how acupuncture could exert therapeutic — as opposed to analgesic — action .
24 It would certainly be easier to mitigate the effects of such a drought if long-range forecasting could be made more effective , and although there is as yet no secure basis for the kind of forecasting required , an analysis of the causes of the latest drought offers some hope of explanations that may have predictive value in future .
25 There is as yet no vaccine against HIV infection and no cure for AIDS .
26 There is as yet no official glossary and to the outsider , the terms bear little relationship to the shapes , much more to the flip lingo of rock music .
27 Environmental liabilities are notoriously difficult to foresee and quantify , and there is as yet no experience under the Act to draw on .
28 Most staff are untrained and there is as yet little evidence that training makes much difference to the quality of care ( Sinclair , 1988b , p. 270 ) .
29 As a result , we can begin to understand Conrad 's ( 1981 ) view that there is as yet no published evidence on Total Communication producing higher educational standards .
30 Fishing was one of the major activities for Minoans living on the coast , but there is as yet no evidence for the way in which they organized their fishing .
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