Example sentences of "there was [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A strong SNP showing in Stirling was largely responsible for his success , while the Liberal vote there was dramatically squeezed and fell by eight per cent .
2 In 1529 there was thus published A Dialogue of Sir Thomas More , Knight , wherein be treated … veneration and worship of images and relics ; praying to Saints and going on pilgrimage ; with many other things touching the pestilent sect of Luther and Tyndale .
3 Into most theatrical productions there was somehow woven a patriotic strain ; at the close of a performance celebrating the birth of Molière , Marthe Chenal appeared draped in a tricolor to give a passionate rendering of the Marseillaise ; and at the music halls , a night seldom went by without the singing of the new favourites imported by the British , Tipperary and Rose of Picardy .
4 Under the new President there was clearly going to be no relaxation of the competition between the two superpowers .
5 Roger led up and rightwards onto the ice and it was quickly apparent that in places the snow was lying directly over rock , with what ice there was insecurely bonded to the smooth slabs .
6 There was evidentially speaking a head-on collision between the appellant and the principal prosecution witness .
7 There was no organized campaigning throughout that year , and Sir Thomas Gray , who took a dim view of the conduct of the war , complained that Edward did nothing at Antwerp except ‘ jousting and leading a jolly life ’ .
8 There was no dressing down , though , from Hankin .
9 When it was done the reddish gold hair licked round the edge of her mob cap like a straight silken fringe , and there was no consoling her .
10 There was no easing this intractable man .
11 He looked at Huy — as far as Huy could tell : it was more an impression of being looked at , and there was no reading the expression in the eyes — but spoke to Merymose without preamble .
12 He was a good PTI , he made PT fun and did n't just stick to PT and running — but there was no messing about either and he doubled them across the barracks to the football pitch , Where in the next half hour they worked as hard playing football as they would have done in the gymnasium .
13 The first failed … but there was no messing with his second .
14 Bracken Cottage was old , and there was no felt beneath the red pantiles .
15 There was no slowing at junctions and the car was being driven erratically , ’ the spokesman said .
16 The offence was created by the Larceny Act 1901 in order to provide for cases of dishonest misappropriation which were not covered by larceny ( in particular because there was no taking ) or embezzlement ( because the offender was not a clerk or servant ) or by other statutory offences of fraudulent conversion which depended on the offender being in a special position , for example a trustee .
17 He had so many wives that there was no counting them and the wives had so many young that even Frith could not count them and they ate the grass and the dandelions and the lettuces and the clover and El-ahrairah was the father of them all . "
18 There was no trying to disappear , for even though she had taken to parking her car carefully at the back of the premises , she knew the front door was wide open and the painter in the hall would certainly , if asked , say that she was around .
19 First he had forborne them , and then he had punished , but still there was no amend .
20 Around the middle he started to string the birdies together and there was no holding him then .
21 Once Eva had found her calling there was no holding her .
22 Once in the lead there was no stopping the home side as they reinforced their gathering momentum with five second-half tries .
23 There was no stopping her now .
24 Wigan may have begun the season with uncertainty in losing four out of their first nine games but , once they got into their stride , there was no stopping them .
25 Taylor converted a penalty for Shortheath 's goal , but there was no stopping the Hollywater side .
26 There was no stopping him .
27 But there was no stopping Charlotte and Ruth realised , as the words poured out of her , that she was releasing the pent-up feelings of many months .
28 There was no stopping me now .
29 After that , there was no stopping her .
30 And after that there was no stopping them .
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