Example sentences of "there was [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Again , what little space there was between the two lids might also have been packed with powdered charcoal .
2 Charles Davenant observed in 1710 , " what near Resemblance there was between the Old Rumper , and the Modern Whig ( for a Child will be like his true Father ) and how much they agreed in their Insolence to the Throne , Notions in Religion , Principles as to Government " .
3 What I think the public did not appreciate and I do not think would have appreciated clearly from the consultation leaflet , was quite how big a difference there was between the level of relief afforded by the inner relief roads and the outer relief roads , and in that context , I think that to say that the outer relief roads afford relief of between twenty and thirty percent is a little misleading in two respects .
4 As he did so his hand accidentally brushed against her bare leg , and suddenly she was aware of how little difference there was between the shorts she was wearing now and the swimsuit she had worn earlier .
5 Labour condemned General Noriega as a corrupt dictator , but Mr Gerald Kaufman , the shadow Foreign Secretary , demanded to know what rationale in international law there was for the invasion .
6 What little excitement there was for the colourful Cagliari crowd of 30,000 came from the Italian midfielder Giannini .
7 But when , after those two years , the valley had almost imperceptibly widened and there was for the first time , not those black enclosing cliffs , but the vista of a normal life , even of happiness , a landscape over which it was possible to believe the sun might shine , she had become unwittingly embroiled in the racial politics of her school .
8 His first run there was for the Scottish Students in the match against their English counterparts at Myreside the day before the Calcutta Cup match in January .
9 Sometimes , for those who do n't quail , there is a happy finale — as there was for the hunchback of Belorussia ( or was it Kovno Gubernia , or the far side of the Pale ? ) whose demon companions danced his hump off , and sent him home with his shoulders straight and strong .
10 The more highly organised and consciously efficient foreign offices became , the less scope there was for the individual who did not fit easily into these bigger and more complex machines .
11 But the Whigs had miscalculated how much sympathy there was for the High Church position .
12 The average one-third ownership reflected the great pressure there was on the family farmer when a member of the family came home , or on a part-time farmer who was trying to expand with a view to becoming full-time .
13 Thus in the flysch of the Polish Carpathians ( plate 4.1 ) , it has been estimated that there was on the average one turbidity current flow every 29 000 years .
14 Yet it is important to realise that in the last decades of the old régime in France the parlements were often expressing more or less accurately what public opinion there was on the issues at stake , and that they had frequently widespread popular support for their attitudes .
15 Only a return to US price stability would allow a once-and-for-all rise in the gold price to work , and there was nothing in the act of raising the price of gold which would make that more likely ( indeed , the improved gold backing for the dollar would relax such pressure as there was on the US government to maintain price stability in order to defend the dollar ) .
16 It must be I was only thinking the other day the number of bakers but er the number of small bakers that were in Caldmore there was the two brothers one was in Road and one was in Street there was on the corner of Street , where the Co-op have that place now that was they were all bread bakers , were bread bakers er a bit further down Street going towards Street was bakery , they were a bakers and confectioners in Street
17 There was as much in the loft as there was on the whole first floor .
18 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying :
19 First , as a result of the negotiations by my right hon. Friend the Chancellor , there is considerably more flexibility now than there was with the 3 per cent .
20 Almost a month went by before she allowed herself an evening to realise that there was at the very least and latest , an unfinished conversation between them .
21 There was at the time a French popular song , wistful and haunting , and I used to repeat it in my mind like a rosary. :
22 First , there is now , and indeed there was at the time of the committal hearing , no equity in the property .
23 You remember all the talk there was at the time , Arthur ? "
24 There was at the same time a dramatic decline in the amount of milk produced by urban cattle-keepers and supplied by road .
25 There was at the time of reorganization a considerable expansion of advisory services to meet the desire for increased curriculum coherence and the staff appointed were to take on much of the short course organization and guidance to schools for school focused INSET .
26 The occupation forces in the territory of defeated enemies might be seen as temporary inconveniences , but there was at the same time a natural tendency to acquire overseas bases from which to extend the reach of America 's armed forces .
27 The others will chip in if they agree , but they will they are , they are wanting to set a missile to move , they 're wanting to send a bullet , they are wanting to s to evoke emotion or anger or rage or frustration or political bias or to change attitudes now for example the interesting thing about the Princess Diana erm the headline on one of those tabloids which talks about exile is I suspect that they want to evoke the constitutional crisis which there was at the time of
28 Well there was at the time obviously .
29 " That was all there was to the message , but then she got chatting .
30 There is no more danger of a stand-up comedian entering the House of Lords ( some may argue that there are already plenty there ) than there was of the British Airways boss ( Lord ) John King being fobbed off with a mere MBE .
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