Example sentences of "there have be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There has been progress in design , but no progress in accomplishment , specifically because there has been equal progress in design on both sides of the arms race .
2 However , despite launching the second wave of UDCs amidst government promotional hype proclaiming LDDC and MDC a success story , there has been scant attention paid in government circles to any rigorous analysis of the London and Liverpool experience .
3 There has been scant evidence of our garden friendly pollinator in recent years as their constitutions can not withstand the chemicals abounding in pesticides .
4 The second wave occurs at puberty when the young person looks for a sexual partner , and if there has been minimum conflict during the phallic phase this is of the opposite sex .
5 There has been wide disagreement among historians concerning the chronology of population recovery , some suggesting that it started before the end of the fourteenth century , others favouring dates around 1430 and others again preferring the early sixteenth century ( 59 ; 75 , p.15 ; 99 , p.269 ) .
6 It is incontrovertible that there has been long-continued subsidence on many oceanic atolls .
7 This is certainly the case in many inner city areas , where there has been philosophical and political opposition to the scheme and where the organisational barriers to becoming a fundholding practice have been considerable .
8 ‘ They also raised money through charity events and there has been tremendous support from the local community . ’
9 There has been healthy demand recently in newly-rich China , which has a tradition of buying gold and of susceptibility to inflation .
10 One aspect of this discretion relates to the time limit for making an application for judicial review under RSC Order 53 : s. 31(6) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 allows the court to refuse leave or to refuse relief if there has been undue delay in making the application and that the granting of relief would , amongst other things , be ‘ detrimental to good administration ’ .
11 The allegation that there has been undue secrecy seems untrue .
12 Williams attempts to show that if we examined the commonplace idea of equality of opportunity thoroughly , we find ourselves carried down a sort of ‘ slippery slope ’ towards insisting that only if everybody has succeeded to the same degree can we be sure that there has been genuine equality of opportunity .
13 The most relevant comparison is probably with southern Italy , where there has been substantial depopulation and many individual agricultural holdings are of economically unviable size and highly fragmented .
14 Third , there has been substantial criticism of the implication of the human capital theory that income inequalities both within nations and between nations are reduced through increased investment in education .
15 In music , where there are still also patronal relations in commissioned works , there are still predominantly distributive post-artisanal relations in orchestral works and in traditional sheet music , while in popular music the second , productive post-artisanal phase has long been established , and there has been major movement into later phases of market relations .
16 Cardinal Johannes Willebrands , head of the Vatican Secretariat for Christian Unity , said : ‘ There has been real ecclesial community .
17 There has been real rudeness on the part of poll tax Patten , if I may use that unparliamentary way of describing him , but everybody knows who I mean .
18 Now there has been real concern voiced about the delay in getting the unit off the ground .
19 We have been very pleased that in the intervening months , when there has been ample opportunity for discussion and feedback , considerable support for this scheme has been forthcoming .
20 Since the weekend , there has been ample sign that they and those who share their views are little inclined to let the matter die down .
21 Where there has been malicious tampering of a product , if this occurs before the time of supply by , for example , an employee of the manufacturer , the latter will be strictly liable .
22 There has been conflicting evidence concerning the occurrence of DGR in both normal controls and in association with gastric ulcers .
23 This index compares equal numbers of elements , and it gives a better postcranial/cranial comparison than the preceding index unless there has been preferential destruction of the jaws .
24 The Bears suffered a crushing 58–32 defeat at Brough Park on Sunday and there has been frantic activity in the Bears ' camp to get machines and riders ready for revenge .
25 Where there has been serious political conflict , schoolgirls have often been involved in protests and boycotts .
26 Does he further accept that the report identifies that there has been serious disturbance in primary schools in recent years ?
27 Many constituents write to me regularly , expressing themselves strongly and loudly of the opinion , or in some cases the fact , that there has been serious abuse of the immigration laws .
28 In spite of this , there has been serious developments and in this year , and they 'll be fully in place next year .
29 ( 9 ) A licensing board may refuse to renew a licence provisionally granted under subsection ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) above if the board considers that there has been unreasonable delay on the part of the applicant in completing the premises .
30 Where the reference was automatic ( £1,000 or less only being involved ) Ord 19 , r 6 provides that no solicitors ' charges or litigant in person costs may be awarded except the costs which were stated on the summons or which would have been stated on the summons if the claim had been for a liquidated sum , the costs of enforcing the award , and such further costs as the arbitrator may direct where there has been unreasonable conduct on the part of the opposite party in relation to the proceedings or the claim therein .
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