Example sentences of "there [is] [art] even " in BNC.

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1 Well there 's a even safer way that those on the .
2 There 's an even bigger selection of period linens and lace at Collectible Costume .
3 On chunkies , there 's an even lower tension than 0 .
4 There 's an even more er perhaps er pertinent er point on this that er that did it did the congress system actually exist in any meaningful way .
5 There 's an even an air of professional jealousy at the Pinchers ' Berkshire home .
6 But for Maureen Harris and her nine children there 's an even greater worry .
7 Finally , there is the even more unexpected theory that the black and white striping is essentially a cooling device .
8 However , according to Joan , there is an even better , risk-free option .
9 Tomorrow comes and there is an even stronger pressure to succeed .
10 There is an even older version of the song , describing the fate of a young lady who died of a broken heart after being jilted by her lover .
11 There is an even easier way to see if the log transformation would help promote symmetry .
12 But there is an even more certain and just retribution which renders life more fair and that is that sufferers are compensated by their senses becoming more acute so they are able to discerning a subtler beauty .
13 However , there is an even stronger reason given in James 4:13 and 14 : ‘ Now listen , you who say , ‘ Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city , spend a year there , carry on business and make money . ’
14 There is an even more fundamental principle here , the principle of fraternity , without which the ‘ deprave-and-corrupt ’ test would be meaningless .
15 However , there is an even stronger version of the argument about high wage costs which implies even more extensive government involvement if full employment were to be regained .
16 In recent years , however , I have realised that although romanticism can distort the past , there is an even greater trap into which we can fall .
17 Despite the recent re-issue of Rewald 's classic monograph , we still lack a true catalogue raisonné , bringing together all the visual and documentary material and engaging with the fundamental issues ; for example , after the sensational exhibition of the Mellon waxes at the National Gallery in Washington in 1991 , there is an even greater need for a study of the relationship of the waxes to the 1,500 or so bronze casts scattered throughout the world ; more understanding of Degas ' techniques and the reproductive processes used by his founder is urgently required ; a consideration of the images themselves , and their place in contemporary sculpture , is conspicuous by its absence ; and , the biggest question of all , the role of these wax figures in the wider oeuvre cries out to be examined .
18 there is an even stronger case for such cross-examination where the evidence the plaintiff wishes to give ( for example , as to the state of his knowledge at a particular date ) is very difficult to challenge by calling other witnesses ; if he is believed , his point is established .
19 However , there is an even more active sense of the notion of differentiation than that referring to marketing and planning strategies , although these are derivatives of this final process .
20 There is an even older architectural tradition , going back to Roman times .
21 But there is an even more profound way of differentiating reason , and that is in terms of its meaning for , and impact on , those who pursue it .
22 There is an even more telling reason why , in higher education , the teacher 's authority has to be won and can not be presumed .
23 Regan has argued that there is an even more fundamental quality to be added to the variability , ambiguity , confusion and complexity outlined above , namely reciprocity .
24 In the Management Matrix model there is an even broader conception of the range of decisions calling for specialization and delegation .
25 There is an even greater variation in relief and structure , and the sand dunes and rock plains , which commonly figure in the popular concept of a desert , form only a fraction of the total area .
26 In addition , there is an even more advanced seven-week Master Chefs ' course , apprentices doing their one-year stint at the Army Apprentices College and a range of specialist courses for everyone from stewards to VIP household chefs .
27 There is an even greater need for good advice , particularly away from the headlines , in agreed as opposed to hostile transactions .
28 There is an even cheaper method of starting to use computers for a wide variety of tasks .
29 Hollow out the other side of the cake ( the lid ) so that there is an even 2cm ( ¾inch ) border all around .
30 There is an even larger turnover in bonds worldwide than there is in shares .
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