Example sentences of "all i [am/are] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All I am trying to do now is prepare people for the breakthrough by introducing the concept and start discussions on how we address any problems which may result . ’
2 All I am trying to show is that it is possible to improve your general health and your sense of well-being by paying greater attention to what you put into your mouth and body .
3 ‘ It 's about all I am intending to keep on ! ’ he told her with a husky , sensual bark of laughter that left her breathless and quivering in his arms as he entered the room and tossed her lightly down on to the bed .
4 All I am hoping is that it was n't the boy friend you 're meeting tomorrow evening . ’
5 All I am suggesting is that the balancing exercise should be capable of being performed .
6 Her other brother , Brian , 27 , added : ‘ All I am thinking about is my sister .
7 There is no space to tell you of the depth of fellowship I am experiencing , of the great joy I have in teaching such folk , of all I am learning from these believers who have suffered so much , of the hardening opposition by the Orthodox Church , of the great work being done by the Baptists among Bulgarian orphans and of the plans for an orphanage , school and seminary .
8 If it really is the case that all I am doing when I have beliefs about the world is to have dispositions to behave , then it ought to make sense for me to think of my believing in those terms .
9 I am not rejecting the idea of Jesus being my representative — all I am doing at the moment is to point out some difficulties with it when it is considered as the central idea in the atonement theory .
10 All I am asking , is to be treated in exactly the same way as Dr Wyatt ’ .
11 All I am asking is a little donation now and again .
12 All I am saying , my dear , is that you have another reason to end this war quickly .
13 All I am saying is that it was n't possible for me .
14 All I am saying is the radio show should give equal coverage to Stockton and Middlesborough , that we should not be coming off second best . ’
15 First of all I 'm looking at page three hundred and fifty in the blue book .
16 And all , all I 'm looking for there are the reasons for those figures being so much different from bridge and P Way .
17 Cos that 's all I 'm dealing with .
18 All I 'm pointing out is that those steps are a hazard , and one which any sane architect would have omitted from his plan from the start . ’
19 In an open letter ( new routes book Rock and Run ) Steve has also made his feelings known on the recent spate of bolting on Chapel Head , stating ‘ All I 'm suggesting is that a bit more thought goes into the development of the crag .
20 All I 'm suggesting is i it could link with her so
21 Now all I 'm suggesting to him is that there is here apparently a requirement laid down by the treaty which ca n't be aggregated by any one individual member state which could actually only be enforced by reference to a court of justice and what I 'd like to ask is in the light of this very deep seated concern by the French about Strasbourg er and the European parliament building and the knowledge that this is of such importance to the er of er voting and of representation in the community of the European elections .
22 But all I 'm suggesting , Ronni , is that we be a bit flexible .
23 ‘ I hope you appreciate I 'm burning the midnight oil to ring you tonight , ’ Lucy 's voice persisted from its far-off country , ‘ And all I 'm getting is monosyllables for my trouble !
24 all I 'm getting is a load of racket from you lot
25 And all I 'm thinking is , for God 's sake let's get him off the premises .
26 All I 'm thinking is just awful .
27 That 's all I 'm thinking now .
28 Cos we could have somebody in to help that 's all I 'm thinking if she says yeah I 'm sure you could get something from
29 All I 'm demanding is that you be the guarantor of your brother 's good behaviour .
30 Gedge told The Legend ! in an NME interview in April 1986 : ‘ When we play live I can sometimes come across as glib or arrogant and find that people take exception to what I say when all I 'm trying to do is talk to the audience . ’
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