Example sentences of "all [vb infin] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Naturally , the distinction is not as clear-cut as these simple definitions imply : current items do not all disappear on the initial day of consumption ; and neither do all capital items last for generations .
2 On Monday morning they would all disappear into the Shell Centre and Unilever House and various grim out-departments of the BBC , yawning rebelliously .
3 It is so obvious that they should all stay outside the ring road except for the bus station where they would all terminate .
4 So often people will purchase a five-bedroomed house so that when the sons or daughters get married and have children they can all stay at the family residence at weekends and holiday times .
5 Traditionally bureaucracy has been described as a role culture , but there is no reason to suppose that the different cultures can not all exist within the same organisation particularly if the organisation is as large and diverse as a government department or a local authority .
6 We can all think of the favourites , and if I could get the Pope , Frank Sinatra and the Queen I 'd book them tomorrow .
7 But when she brought the children round , they would all wait outside a side door until he came down and joined them .
8 ‘ And it 'll all wait till the morning .
9 Did n't they all know about the terrible appearance of the Conablaiche last time , and how it had prowled the country , snatching sleeping children from their beds and tearing out their hearts for its Dark Master .
10 Franco 's own forces were similarly , if less virulently , shot through with internal rivalries and disagreements ; but if confronted with a choice between the status quo and the risk of " the reds " returning , they would all opt for the former .
11 We would all act on the assumption that others were acting in a similar manner .
12 Did they all object to the style , not the message ?
13 In the Weinberg-Salam theory , at energies much greater than 100 GeV , the three new particles and the photon would all behave in a similar manner .
14 With most sentences , particularly non-observational sentences , no clear answer will emerge because the natives will not all behave in the same way in the same conditions .
15 Each member of the enterprise contributes something different , but they must all contribute towards a common goal .
16 Favourable exchange rates , improved intellectual property rights protection and continued pressure from the federal government to remove trade barriers should all contribute to a strong export market .
17 Projects , dissertations , essays , and tutorial and practical work may all contribute to the final assessment .
18 Cell migration and proliferation and angiogenesis could all contribute to the ulcer healing activity of bFGF .
19 Prostanoids , leukotrienes , platelet activating factor , cytokines , and free oxygen radicals may all contribute to the pathogenesis of the inflammatory response .
20 Maintenance of low epithelial permeability , inhibition of antigen presentation by epithelial or subepithelial antigen presenting cells , and inhibition of activation or proliferation of immune effector cells could all contribute to the prevention or control of colonic mucosal inflammation .
21 Related ideas like shared writing , dictated writing and invented spelling together with the introduction of new technology including the word processor should all contribute to an easing of the tension associated with traditional attitudes to spelling and handwriting .
22 He also died by labouring the Windows strategy that we can all repeat like the Lord 's Prayer and by demoing that well known object-oriented tool ( NOT ! )
23 If this was so , then ‘ Yahweh ’ , ‘ God the Father ’ and ‘ Allah ’ would all refer to the same God , in the way that ‘ The President ’ , ‘ George Bush ’ and ‘ Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces ’ all refer to the same person .
24 ‘ And what do we all do for a living now ? ’ sighs Nick , wreathing himself , and the rest of us , in a chilly , mournful mist .
25 But we could all do with a few less stuffed velvet Loch Ness monsters and dismal cafeterias that smell of incontinence .
26 THE ROYALS could all do with a long lie down — on a psychiatrist 's couch , it was claimed yesterday .
27 We could all do with a break . ’
28 Go on , Steve , we could all do with a bit of luck .
29 I think we could all do with a cup .
30 ‘ I 'm sure we could all do with a good cup of tea . ’
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