Example sentences of "all [vb pp] into the " in BNC.

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1 because it 's all rolled into the same thing .
2 Well what investigations have you all made into the success of grant maintained schools elsewhere in the country ?
3 Import duties , freight charges , local taxes , agency commission , were all built into the selling price .
4 And it 's at no extra cost that 's all built into the price .
5 Issues such as mental preparation , mental training , time management , stress control , psychology and sports nutrition were all scheduled into the timetable .
6 But the contrast of summer , with the street ( the only thoroughfare from pier to shops , Post Office and hotel ) filled with visitors , cars , yachties , locals , the odd sheep or two , and the rellies — all packed into the tiny cottages makes both seasons of the year worth waiting for .
7 The atlas of the Holy Land — Bethlehem , Jerusalem , Mount Horeb , Egypt and Jericho — all crumbled into the same heap of ash .
8 Animals , birds , insects , people were all pulled into the joke of life .
9 Ed and a group of kids he had n't seen before were all slumped around a slick looking computer games console — all plugged into the machine via wires and electrodes .
10 When the Red Brigade kidnapped Moro we were all thrown into the investigation , under the direction of the Political Branch .
11 Wallers , masons , builders and slaters ; those engaged building and maintaining water races ; surface carters , and labourers who might one day find themselves cutting grass for the mine horses and shovelling tailings or road repairing the next — all fitted into the day-worker class .
12 The sons of Mayall 's first marriage were all initiated into the firm at an early age ; a son-in-law ( a doctor ) acquired a mill as a dowry ; and a remaining daughter married a Nonconformist minister .
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