Example sentences of "if she would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The two armies waited while messengers conveyed to Mary the offer of her rebel nobles to support her once more if she would discard her husband 's murderer .
2 Jack called Sandra and asked if she would appear in a Corman film that weekend .
3 When , after a hazardous journey through thickening fog , using only the statutory semi-blacked-out lights , he asked her if she would care to dine with him at a roadhouse not far from their destination , she accepted with alacrity .
4 Folly doubted if she would care what Luke got up to , but she gave her the flowers none the less .
5 I regularly asked Erica Brausen , the Hanover 's director , if she would visit my studio to see what I was up to but she never had time to take a taxi from Hanover Street to Highgate .
6 In the scorching heat she had felt as if she would pass out ; now she wished she had .
7 Asked if she would abandon her attempt if they became ill she replied that she could not say in advance , and pointed out that there would be eight doctors , including one paediatric specialist , immediately to hand .
8 She rubbed as if she would erase the images that flitted through her mind as she worked , like an unconnected pageant — the images , and the thoughts that crowded her mind around them .
9 Could this be Leif , calling to advise that the Rocha kitchen would include her tiles and asking if she would confer with the solicitor 's wife ?
10 She signed it because her husband pressed her to do so and told her he was being pressed by Campbell , and because she believed that if she would sign it … it would enable her husband to settle the beer contract . …
11 She remains in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary under observation but a hospital spokesman could not say if she would remain there a second night .
12 He said he 'd mentioned her name there and promised to ask her if she would go to help them .
13 She leaned for support against the wing of the car , breathless and trembling , wondering if she would scream or vomit .
14 ‘ And I think that someone would like to dance it with me , ’ she said , as Herman , lured by the smile , came across and with a ludicrous bow , asked Erika if she would do him the honour of the dance , Erika graciously accepting , to her delight leaving Fritz looking disconsolate and unhappy .
15 He would be very grateful if she would do just that .
16 I 'd skirt around the light cast from the windows and sometimes I 'd sit and watch her to see if she would do anything interesting .
17 There was an ache in her solar plexus , growing and expanding , until she felt as if she would explode with the pain of her suppressed emotions .
18 She had an impression of being lifted up from the bed — she had cried out in agony , feeling as if she would break in half — and laid upon a stretcher .
19 Damn him if she would explain that the young man to whom he 'd referred had merely been a fellow Briton attending a conference on international computing , that they 'd exchanged nothing more than a few polite comments natural to fellow compatriots abroad , and that his arm had been lying across the back of the bench seats and not round her shoulders .
20 She clasped her daughter 's hand in despair , as if she would pull her back from the falsely-beckoning light .
21 For a moment it seemed as if she would pull away from him , then she nodded , and , still weeping , allowed herself to be led away .
22 He was to attend a conference of staff officers and , on arrival , he asked her if she would collect him again at five p.m .
23 One day Hugh came into the bathroom while Myra was washing and offered to give her a present if she would give him a hug and a kiss .
24 I was able to follow up that evening , for my father gave me a lovely chrysanthemum bloom from his greenhouse and the next day I took it to her home and asked her mother , who opened the door to my rather nervous knock , if she would give it to her daughter .
25 She was damned if she would give in so easily .
26 " Christ , " said Faye violently , " what utter bloody shit , " and she even held out her pretty hands , clawed to show slender nails painted bright red , as if she would scratch the pictures off the walls .
27 Turning away hurriedly , she caught sight of the bed , and wondered if she would sleep there alone tonight , or if the choice was even hers to make .
28 Later in the evening , standing beside a huge rhododendron that dominated one whole corner of the garden , Edward asked Hannele if she would sleep with him .
29 I said that if she would leave it with the bill at her hall-porter 's desk , she could trust me to take it and leave the money without attempting to see her .
30 After that she went into service and there she stayed until , when she was about twenty-two years of age , her brother came to tell her he was married and to ask her if she would leave her employer and come to look after his wife who was expecting a baby .
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