Example sentences of "if she have seen " in BNC.

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1 I asked Miss Lofthouse if she 'd seen you and she said you had n't been in this afternoon . ’
2 Queen Mary had such an eye for antiques , you see , if she 'd seen them , she 'd have gone off with the lot .
3 Henrietta came down to lunch , still shivering slightly , in a sweater and jeans , and refused to discuss her experience , telling Jacqueline not to be bloody silly when she asked if she 'd seen crocodiles .
4 There was no denying the fact that she 'd looked terrible , just then.As if she 'd seen a ghost , he thought uneasily .
5 ‘ What about going to a movie ? ’ he added , asking if she 'd seen a French film which had opened in London a couple of weeks ago .
6 Ronni would probably have told him before if she 'd seen him .
7 She experienced a strong feeling of déjà vu , as if she 'd seen him before , as if she knew him .
8 She 'd looked as if she 'd seen the devil himself .
9 ‘ Nothing — I asked if he knew if she 'd seen anyone in the hospital recently , before we contacted Records .
10 But then I was meant to mention , ask Rachel if she 'd seen the photograph cos Mike did n't know about the two photographs that er Rachel and Louise have taken .
11 At Ångelholm , we were joined by two more people , a grim-looking older woman all in black , who looked as if she had n't smiled since 1937 and who spent the entire journey watching me as if she had seen my face on a wanted poster , and by a fastidious older man who I guessed to be a recently retired schoolmaster and took an instant dislike to .
12 Wilkie asked Frederica if she had seen the Mediterranean the Camargue — Orange ?
13 He wanted to know if she had seen O'Hara .
14 Her face was turned away , as if she had seen something out of the corner of her eye .
15 ‘ What if she had seen me ? ’
16 Her triumph would have been short-lived if she had seen the smile slip from his face and a look of regret shape his expression ; his quiet eyes were drawn to the window , to the skyline beyond .
17 If she had seen the man I loved she would have thought him a figure of fantasy too .
18 The cream stucco on the houses — the imposing pillared porches with their black-and-white tiled steps ; she felt as if she had seen it all before in a dream .
19 Blanche asked if she had seen Jim Lancaster leave the boardroom at any time .
20 ‘ I asked her if she had seen the news and she said ; ‘ Yes , I did .
21 If she had seen you the night of the Giants she might have thought differently , ’ Ratagan said gently .
22 Her mother would have been happier if she had seen her walking or going off swimming , but after all , she was resting and that 's what she had brought her here for , and perhaps she was turning things over in her mind .
23 If she 's seen him with her own eyes she knows which restaurant it is . ’
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