Example sentences of "if this [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 Even if this had been so — and Reagan worrying about Iran 's industrial base has the true ring of fantasy — the bartering was not to be turned so easily away from war , on either side .
2 If this had been a Serbian place you would have sent 500 troops here , I guarantee it , ’ Mr Delimustafic said .
3 Victory was all too easy in this lopsided match and if this had been a boxing contest it would have surely been stopped after barely a quarter of the game had elapsed .
4 I wondered if this had been the right place to come at all .
5 If this had been literally followed , St Bernard himself , as abbot of Clairvaux , would have been constantly on the move .
6 Tina would have plumped herself down in the nearest seat even if this had been next to a passenger but Cecilia , conforming to usage , sat in the emptiest area of the coach , on the platform side with her back to the window .
7 It is as if this had been the artificial carapace which had now dissolved and there emerged the smiling , bright-eyed figure of Eliot , with an expression close to that of the photographs taken of him in childhood .
8 If this had been so , however , it would have been a weakness : the strength of our arguments on social network ( and other social aspects of the research ) depends precisely on the fact that these socially-based criteria are not the motivating factors for our selection of linguistic variables .
9 If this had been ordinary civil litigation I would have agreed .
10 The issue is whether the bank can be in any better position than Mr. Aboody if , when Mr. Aboody was acting on its behalf , Mr. Aboody exerted ( or , if this had been a class 2 case , was presumed to have exerted ) undue influence .
11 We wondered if this had been going on since we were moved out of Beirut last May , but there was nothing else to indicate any serious set-back to our chances of release .
12 There was a finding that the contractors were at fault with regard to the old shafts , but it is not clear that they should have realised that their conduct would affect the plaintiff 's land and even if this had been the case there would have been a serious issue at that times whether the defendant was liable for the negligence of his contractor .
13 Even if this had been determined there would still be formidable technical obstacles to be overcome in realising the managed market in health care , given that the project is unprecedented and unpiloted .
14 If this had been the case I may possibly have been offered some cosmetic surgery , but this wo n't happen because it 's a natural part of pregnancy .
15 There was nothing more interesting to be seen than if this had been the entrance to a rabbit warren , nothing but a tunnel that led down into darkness .
16 It was certainly better than the sandwich and a can of beer that she 'd expected ; if this had been the late and unlamented Eddie she 'd probably have been faced with a walk to the nearest carry-out to find that he 'd finished off the beer in her absence .
17 " So what would you normally have done as soon as you arrived if this had been an ordinary Thursday ?
18 She ached with sympathy for him , and if this had been Christmas , or any time in those months when she had felt they were friends , she would have pulled him into her arms and soothed him with soft hands and whispered words .
19 So if there 's some evidence of a whacking great crack on his head … and if this had been deliberately inflicted rather than accidentally incurred … about seven hours ago , say …
20 Even if this had been overcome , a path sequence error between a and thief would have caused problems further on .
21 No-one seriously contemplated changing patient referrals significantly even if this had been allowed .
22 If this had been implemented , taxation of church land in Kent , which was extensive , would have ceased .
23 In May 1647 they even prepared a draft peace-treaty in French ; and if this had been accepted by the other powers involved it would have marked an important stage in the establishment of the language as that of international relations , at least in western and central Europe .
24 If this had been a reflection of basic principles of justice there could have been little cause for complaint , but in fact an examination of the position shows clearly that this was not the case .
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