Example sentences of "if this [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 If this ratio is expressed as a binary number and A is 128 , the n0 selector contains least significant bits , n1 the next seven bits and n2 the MSBs .
2 But if this element was lacking there was no conversion .
3 If this omission was not the fault of some over-zealous sub-editor , them Mr Bailey ought to be ashamed of himself .
4 If this exercise is drawn using two 10cm lines which cut each other in half , many interesting " pairs " of curves can be made up .
5 ‘ THIS is an ideas battle … not every one of these things can be distilled into politics — you know , who 's for this and who 's for that , and if this person is for this , somebody else has to be for that .
6 Clearly if this question was easy to decide it would have been settled in the years of the Thatcher Governments .
7 If this behaviour is modelled by a modified disc dynamo [ 3 ] , the appropriate magnetohydrodynamic partial differential equations may be truncated to give the simple system : ( 2.3 ) unc where a , b and c are positive parameters , and
8 For example , since boys are well adapted to tasks which require strenuous physical activity , there is a danger , if this behaviour is overgeneralized , that they are encouraged to develop the appearance of strength even when its exercise is not needed .
9 And it looks as if this behaviour is all about encouraging the ducklings to erm , go off on their own , as it were an and to start to run off and look for food .
10 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
11 If this fruit is almost inedibly sour , the reason is that Raymond has intimidatingly firm views on the duty of the writer .
12 If this trust is abused , confidence will be shaken .
13 If this exception was not on the policy the Insured could attempt to hold the company liable if any damage to the plant or own surrounding property was caused by the test .
14 We think it would help if this objective was more explicitly recognised in CCW 's remit .
15 The Church is both monarchical and hierarchical ; having collaborators is not a limitation ; what would happen if this doctrine were not approved ?
16 If this call is a ‘ telephone call ’ a different message will tell the caller ‘ to press any button to leave a voice message , or stay on the line to send a FAX ’ .
17 If this procedure is the most appropriate way of correcting market failure and of otherwise setting the requisite ‘ sociopolitical limits on the exercise of economic rationality ’ then it would seem to follow that the goal of companies should continue to be profit maximisation , within the relevant constraints .
18 If this procedure is applied to the transition probability matrix given earlier then the result shown in Table 6.6 is obtained .
19 If this check is positive , the program proceeds to drop down a level and search the new sub-assembly checking the box coordinates of each part against the selected part as before .
20 Those pith-helmeted cavaliers who despatched rhinos with a single well-placed slug from an army pistol while the colonel 's daughter cowered behind the baobab had simple natures but not , if this ox was anything to go by , simple hearts .
21 If this concept is new to you , turn to Chapter 7 where you will find many suggestions for creating harmony at all levels within your being .
22 Younger-Ross says : ‘ You need a constructive dialogue with everyone if this concept is to work . ’
23 It was urged that , if this construction were adopted , a solicitor would have a shorter time during which he may abstain from bringing his action for work done than the rest of Her Majesty 's subjects .
24 Communication would be less reliable if this range is split into bands to make room for everybody else who wants to use signalling .
25 If this idea is applied to the sleep/wake rhythm , it means that the ‘ polarity ’ between waking activities during the daytime and nocturnal sleep would decrease .
26 If this idea is right ( and Dr Underwood is not saying it is ; he simply points out that it is plausible ) then elimination of the crown of thorns could reduce the diversity of the reef .
27 ‘ Our method was to sit down and say : ‘ Look , Chris , I 'm not sure if this idea is working ’ , rather than Shaun 's approach which was to say : ‘ Allison , you 're the devil and you 're trying to destroy the group ’ , ’ says Gedge .
28 If this idea is to work it will be necessary to ensure that these eigenvalues are all real numbers .
29 We are thinking that the listed men must each have a refuge ready , if this Act is not withdrawn .
30 If this evidence is taken at face value it would seem spectacularly to support the uncertainty thesis .
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