Example sentences of "if he was the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Only if he was the murderer and had actually killed her earlier . ’
2 Surprisingly , others looked brand new , as if he was the first person to walk along them .
3 If he was the sole breadwinner , you may have to go out to work for the first time .
4 When I first met Christopher Pilkington at the Centre I had no idea he was a priest and remember asking if he was the healer as one might question a plumber 's identity .
5 But if he was the puppet , who was pulling the strings and to what dance ?
6 Ray Shepherd 's obsessive grudge against Sakata did n't worry Jack too much ; he was kind to him , even if he was the son of a manager and a southerner as well .
7 Maybe she could manage him , if he was the price of a house in Vanier Heights .
8 And I still do n't know if he was the man I saw outlined on Harriet 's blind .
9 In the next story in the Gospel , John the Baptist sent some disciples to Jesus to ask if he was the one who was to come or whether they should begin to look elsewhere .
10 If he was the Christ , the King of Israel , then let him come down from the cross and convince people .
11 as if he was the clerk who was happy to help me with my transaction .
12 ‘ I could n't give a fuck if he was the Immaculate Conception !
13 Coming back to Empingham , yeomen called John Parker resided in Belton and Clipsham , both in Rutland , though there is no clue as to which , if either , was the man listed under Empingham ; if he was the Belton man he could also have been the owner of a piece of land there — the MS is faded at this point .
14 This sounds reasonable enough because no estate agent wishes to be negligent and if he was the court would direct accordingly on any case which came before them .
15 Ho , as well as Bao Dai , was to be consulted and it would be put to him that if he was the real nationalist which he professed to be he would ‘ accept loyally the decisions and mandates of the government and the subsequent constituent assembly , etc. and bind himself unequivocally not to … subvert the true nationalism of his people or a government that might emerge from the multilateral effort ’ .
16 Hardy had said it would — not that Denis would believe a word from Hardy , even if he was the unit Officer-in-Command .
17 I would n't marry Matthew Choak if he was the last man on earth . ’
18 If he was the cynosure of all eyes he did n't notice and in his present mood he would n't have been troubled if he had .
19 If he was the sort who enjoyed playing the field then she might have understood , but he did n't strike her as being that type at all .
20 She sensed Corbett 's mood and insisted Maltote change out of his rain-drenched clothes and have something to eat before her husband began to interrogate him as if he was the King 's Master Torturer in the Tower .
21 Oh and the er er one of the Co-op members , he was a big noise there I think , I do n't know if he was the chairman of the committee or what .
22 Very ordinary ladies , but worshipped their brother as if he was the Messiah .
23 Beside him Vauban seemed to share the joke ; that extraordinary bastard leaned against the arm of the throne as if he was the king 's brother , openly stifling a yawn at Dacourt 's ponderous phrases .
24 No , I do n't know Alf , I ca n't remember if he was the first goalkeeper ever to throw a ball out to a player but , er if you want to ring up , tell you what you want to do , you want to ring up if you 're around , between twelve and one , and discuss that with Pete Murray , and Tony Lockwood , for , when they have the sport back on Talkback , and er , that of course , is the specialist sportsperson 's hour , and er , they may be able to throw a bit of light on that .
25 This may in part have been a political move , for if he was the son of Ealdorman Æthelmær of Wessex , as is usually assumed , he came from a major West Saxon family , and had a brother , Æthelweard , executed by Cnut in 1017 and a brother-in-law ( another Æthelweard ) banished in 1020 .
26 Well he if he was the right one , it was not it was okay .
27 Knowing about Nicola Schreider , knowing about the deal with Farthingdales , here she was sobbing out her troubles to him again , as if he was the most dependable , reassuring bedrock in her life … she was mad , she decided dejectedly , she needed locking up …
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