Example sentences of "if i want [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If I wanted to point at the put directory .
2 ‘ And if I wanted to promote someone , I would choose the person who had worked well in the community . ’
3 An upper-class homosexual-looking man with white hair and glittering eyes came up to me and asked if I wanted to go to a Black Mass .
4 I was asked if I wanted to go .
5 If I wanted to go to war with somebody , ’ Bradshaw said , ‘ they would n't exist any more .
6 When I said she did n't , he rang for his chauffeur and told me he was going to see her and asked if I wanted to go with him .
7 Very much to my surprise , Dennis asked me if I wanted to go instead .
8 ‘ He seemed very worried and asked me if I wanted to go with him , ’ she said .
9 He asked me if I wanted to go round again .
10 You did say was I going to the Swimming Gala on Monday and if I wanted to go along with them to go round before , at least the granny said to go round , but I said I was n't sure what I was doing . ’
11 Then he asked me if I wanted to go from that place .
12 Erm , because er re er my friend Amy asked me if I wanted to go , she 's er , the secretary of a , a club and they
13 Oh yeah we walked past park cos he asked me if I wanted to go on swings and it led up to his back gate , well , you 've never seen me put a sigh of relief on me face , I went
14 I was ruled out of order , I erm I there were point out then that twenty five new councillors and I understand it was n't legitimate if I wanted to restrict the vote only to those twenty five so that the rest of you would actually realise that this has gone on far too long , I only put that as a I think it is very , very important erm that we break new ground .
15 If I wanted to quadruple my income I could do it , very easily .
16 But then he went on to say that this was in fact a sin , because if I wanted to give my all to God then the things that I did n't like doing or showing , I had to do .
17 It was that if I wanted to set up in the business of manufacturing coffins , he would have no objections .
18 ‘ The organiser asked me if I wanted to see how the money was spent and since then I 've been hooked . ’
19 Eventually I went along to the British Association of Psychotherapists , where I was assessed and asked if I wanted to see a male or a female therapist .
20 If I wanted to do something like three add six I could put brackets round the three and round the six and it would n't make any difference .
21 Busking was undignified , he said , and if I wanted to do it , then fine , but not anywhere near him , thank you very much .
22 Butchering 's a tasty part of , if I wanted to do anything I 'd take a leaf out of , I would say is that , but I delegate down through the butchers .
23 Now that I could be a gentleman , as I had always wished , I was not sure if I wanted to leave my home , which was full of happy memories .
24 I sat alone in a compartment , coming to terms with the fact that I was free at last and if I wanted to put my feet up on the opposite seat or take off my tie , no one in uniform had the right to bustle in and call me Airwoman in that well-known disapproving voice .
25 If I wanted to squander the money in six months or a year , I could do that too , but if I did he would haunt me . ’
26 If I wanted to sue the immigration people I would .
27 Deputed to get his own disguise , he went off fuming to a wig shop : ‘ And the lady started to go through all kinds of salesmanship to sell me the wig and if I wanted to swim , I did n't want to swim , and I 'm sitting there knowing that this meeting is going to start very soon and I can not — lady , let's get on with it , I do n't give a damn , just give me a wig . ’
28 I said to one of them that if I wanted to take advantage of them it would be then .
29 Teacher : [ Raising his voice and pointing his finger at Keith ] If I wanted to say something maliciously racist , I would n't have to make a joke about it .
30 If I wanted to settle down for a quiet read I 'd prefer the Kensington public library .
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