Example sentences of "if one [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 If one says that they are both in the second row you will know they are on the two n's of nomen .
2 Unfortunately , many people seem to take it as a personal insult ( on behalf of their garden ) if one says that there are n't really any plants or flowers worth pressing , so to prevent any hurt feelings I usually try to pick a few items that are possible candidates for pressing , which seems to go down much better than completely refusing someone 's kind offer .
3 It clearly distorts the English concept of law if one says that they have , but there are scores of anthropological monographs which claim to be concerned with systems of " primitive " law .
4 They are , so to speak , tied to their own tail — an intriguing thought if one grants that what happens in the social world depends on what people expect to happen .
5 However , if one feels that they are too strange one will wish to look carefully at some of the assumptions behind it , such as the denial of organic wholes .
6 If one presumes that girls are innately as capable as boys of learning mathematics , then these figures suggest that girls are underachieving relative to boys , for whatever reason ( or that boys are overachieving ) .
7 ‘ Incidentally , taking the old man 's philosophy to its logical end , I presume that one would be expected to destroy an enemy machine even if one knew that , say , the pilot were injured or out of ammunition , and therefore unable to fight back . ’
8 If one thinks that a ‘ myth ’ is an ‘ old story containing within itself vestiges of some earlier state of religious belief ’ — like the Grail-legend with its hints of sacrificed kings and vegetation-rituals — then The Lord of the Rings definitely is not one .
9 If one thinks that a ‘ myth ’ should be a ‘ story repeating in veiled form the truth of Christ Crucified ’ , then The Lord of the Rings does not qualify either .
10 A conservative could adduce , in support of this contention , the fact that in scripture God is overwhelmingly conceptualized by using male metaphors ; that God came in Christ , a male human person ; and that he chose men alone to head the church ( if one thinks that the calling of the twelve bears a relation to the constitution of the church ) .
11 None the less , Milton believed that he had a fair chance , if one believed that the English gentleman normally had some good in him , and that an appeal to decency and tradition could work .
12 With some 22,000 students moving around within our city , even if one felt that a nominal sum should be paid — here I am looking after the interests of the hon. Member for City of Durham ( Mr. Steinberg ) whose lovely daughter is now a constituent of mine ; I trust that she will be sensible and know where to put her cross — it is clearly administratively impossible to handle and , given the changes in student support , that small relief will be welcome .
13 This impairment can be explained in a straightforward manner if one assumes that damage has occurred to the part of the reading system that involves addressed phonology .
14 Although the aims of the charter are laudable , ensuring adequate social security , the right of employees to join a union and the right to strike , among other things , they could be unworkable if one assumes that some closer links between the emerging countries of the Eastern bloc and the West — including German reunification .
15 If one assumes that any paddler runs a risk of shoulder damage when the shoulder angle is forced beyond 180 degrees , then a canoeist can choose to paddle at high risk with an arm position close to the limit or at low risk .
16 If one assumes that there was an average of one complainant and four witnesses for each two persons accused , over one-half of all men appeared in a criminal court as a defendant , complainant or witness every year .
17 Whilst its coverage of public affairs ‘ news ’ was not comparable to the Daily Mirror — the amount of space devoted to such news declined between 1927 and 1937 by 59 square inches or 5% — that decline is one of 19% if one assumes that that content should have expanded in line with the expansion of total editorial space .
18 That interpretation of an extent is consistent with Anderson 's arguments , if one assumes that working-class life in Lancashire towns was more stable in the later period and somewhat less harsh , removing the absolute necessity for short-term instrumental calculation , while at the same time making predictions about the likelihood of reciprocal support in the future more reliable .
19 This difficulty does not arise if one assumes that both processes co-exist from the beginning of life , that they both have adaptive functions , and they are not necessarily in conflict with one another — even though they may on occasion be .
20 By the 1850s attempts to understand the arrangement of animals had thus reached the limits possible if one assumes that species are fixed in time .
21 It is important to remember this when thinking about climatic geomorphology , because if one assumes that landforms are going to vary significantly with these zones , one assumes that the climatic parameters controlling landforms are the same as those controlling natural vegetation .
22 If one assumes that the dominant motive is accumulation out of profits , then , and the shifting of the profits tax reduces the effective redistribution .
23 On the other hand , if one assumes that the main source of savings is through wage-earners making provision for retirement , then and the indirect responses ( via increased k ) reinforce the effect of the transfer .
24 There are many of us who feel that it is sheer wilfulness if one assumes that there will be no contingency in the course of the year that needs to be budget .
25 Going along the road , er on the A Nineteen , from the north towards er the village er if one assumed that there were to be some development on site D forty , would you be able to see it from the road ?
26 But my present belief is that if Profumo had come to me for advice ( and my advice , of course , would only have made sense if one postulates that Profumo would have told me the truth ) , I would have recommended that he should throw in the towel ; assert that he had no intention of allowing his private life to be discussed in public ; apologise to the Prime Minister for the embarrassment he had caused both to him and to the party , and withdraw rapidly .
27 The magnitude of the special needs post-holder 's task becomes clear if one considers that these skills are to be geared to assisting classroom teachers of varying lengths of career experience ( often considerably longer than that of the ‘ qualified ’ supporter ) and range of subject specialities ( beyond the supporter 's expertise ) — teachers already under pressure from many directions and with ambivalent feelings about ‘ hawing problems ’ and ‘ being seen as in need of help ’ ; and if one considers that the supporter 's extended task is to deepen these colleagues ' understanding of ‘ special ’ learning needs , to enhance their skills , discover and develop their strengths and the confidence that the professional know.how they possess can be summoned for responding more appropriately to most of the behavioural , emotional and learning difficulties they encounter .
28 The magnitude of the special needs post-holder 's task becomes clear if one considers that these skills are to be geared to assisting classroom teachers of varying lengths of career experience ( often considerably longer than that of the ‘ qualified ’ supporter ) and range of subject specialities ( beyond the supporter 's expertise ) — teachers already under pressure from many directions and with ambivalent feelings about ‘ hawing problems ’ and ‘ being seen as in need of help ’ ; and if one considers that the supporter 's extended task is to deepen these colleagues ' understanding of ‘ special ’ learning needs , to enhance their skills , discover and develop their strengths and the confidence that the professional know.how they possess can be summoned for responding more appropriately to most of the behavioural , emotional and learning difficulties they encounter .
29 This is all the more reasonable if one considers that very few , if any , manufacturing concerns engage solely in one type of production .
30 That the view of the judge 's role as declaratory is inadequate can be seen if one considers that the reason many cases come to court ( which are only a minority of the cases that are actually started ) is because there is genuine doubt as to what the law is .
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