Example sentences of "if we [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Portsmouth director Martin Gregory , whose club have a chance of reaching the semi-finals , insisted : ‘ I doubt if we would vote for it to continue .
2 If we would give him half an hour to get over the shock of his resurrection he would quietly sit down with a piece of paper ( the back of a bigger envelope , I suppose ) and would work out the relevant design formulae .
3 Erm and I think the tenants ' group came to us and , and asked us if we would set up an advice session for tenants moving out , which could be situated in the flats , and could be run on a regular basis .
4 Right erm er presentation to the schools and then we need to consider if we would want to invite .
5 We did wonder if we would manage to find the place but we located it one wet Sunday afternoon .
6 This was where I began to wonder if we would succeed with our mission .
7 Hafpor tried hard , but eventually admitted defeat and asked us if we would walk a little .
8 Hartmut , a friend from Trinity College , Bristol , a gifted personal evangelist and now a curate , was ringing to see if we would go and work with him in a small commuter suburb of Upminster in Essex .
9 Why , did they say they they would go if we would go ?
10 ‘ It was not as much a question of whether we would take a new step in our computerisation , but if we would subcontract it out , ’ said Olivier and Xavier Decelle , Picard 's president and managing director , respectively , in an article in Les Echos .
11 ‘ We may have only won 1–0 , but it never looked as if we would lose .
12 He suspects alcohol abuse and wants to know if we would consider counselling . ’
13 And then if we would find totally unacceptable we certainly would n't be prepared to do that
14 She asks us if we would agree that Julia Roberts is the most stunning thing we 've ever seen , and we have to admit that Julia 's extraordinarily wide mouth and upturned nose always remind us of someone with their face pressed against a plate-glass window .
15 Suddenly Odd-Knut gets up and asks if we would like to go dog sledging .
16 Anyway , to cut a long story short , she wondered if we would like to take payment in part with one or two garments .
17 ‘ He asked me if we would like to license these compounds because they were keen to develop them , ’ Vlitos says .
18 We have another in erm on Thompson 's Directory , we said we were asked if we would like a mention there , and that has been put in hand , with at the moment the Chairman 's name and address and telephone number , but when we get our office I 've no doubt we can change that because we 'll have a rota for the office and probably just morning hours and that can go in another copy .
19 So if we would like further consultation apparently it was noted in view of the test carry out what we could do erm in fact the questionnaires have the response , I do share some of Mr 's er er worries that erm I think we ought to get out of the way and say to number one that this er .
20 so she asked us if we would like to do this
21 Then I did ask myself if we would see this place again ; and when Jaffa started to disappear to our starboard , I remember I said to myself : ‘ If this ship could turn round now , I would return to Jaffa . ’
22 If we would come with him to the great hall , he would listen to all sides of the argument and then draw his conclusions .
23 We may ask if we would have different views on the interrelationships of modern craniates if we had no fossils .
24 It looked as if we would have to take him out but an older Asian boy came and took him away , and he went quite confidently .
25 If we would have faith only the size of a mustard seed , how our lives would be enhanced .
26 ‘ None of us could be sure if we would have a job tomorrow ; the uncertainty was preventing us winning new business ; and we had looked at the various companies who were rumoured to be bidding for us and did n't like what we saw . ’
27 Yes , yes , we erm , we 're obviously in Japan and erm , and increasing the sales slowly there but it 's a very good market for us , very good advertisement market er , for us and er , I think I 've told you before , even before , before the recession , it started , it looked as if we would recoup the extra spending in the first year .
28 if we would mind the thing , bribing us first
29 Arguably it provides a very strong constraint on managers to act efficiently , if we may assume they are concerned about their future career path and if they believe that the firm does not systematically assess their performance wrongly .
30 The Martians were , if we may venture a fanciful interpretation of their character from the gantries , the dry vats , oubliettes and occluded vaults , the forthright aspect of their stairways , gutters and conduits , as of the famous canals themselves , a serious and resolute people , thorough in their undertakings , not given to digression or frivolity .
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