Example sentences of "if she have just " in BNC.

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1 Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did , always looked as if she 'd just stepped out of a bandbox .
2 Then drew back quickly , as if she 'd just been burned .
3 She wore a large white straw hat and looked as if she 'd just been to church .
4 She asked , ‘ What was that ? ’ as if she 'd just failed to catch some remark that Luke had made .
5 She looked small , frail , and feeble ; her face was dazed and vacant , as if she 'd just been woken up and could n't quite remember where she was .
6 She felt as if she 'd just escaped a raging tornado , flung to one side just in time .
7 Her heart raced like a riptide ; her ears rang and lights fizzed at the back of her eyes as if she 'd just dived deep into the bosom of Ocean .
8 Bad enough to feel the way she did , let alone have to spend time with a man who treated her as if she 'd just crawled from under a stone .
9 Her prosecutor was looking at her as if she 'd just crawled from under a stone .
10 Marc made her feel as if she 'd just had a battle with a steamroller — but she was mildly pleased with herself .
11 She looked as if she had just got out of bed , and McLeish had a sudden vision of a dark basement flat with greasy mugs on every surface .
12 ‘ I beg your pardon ? ’ said Mrs Cramp again , reeling back as if she had just been slapped in the face .
13 Tina looked guilty , as if she had just betrayed a secret .
14 Her blonde curls looked as if she had just come from a hairdresser rather than from the hand basin in her own bedroom which was where she had washed her hair this morning .
15 She opened the door before Massingham had time to ring , her handsome shield-shaped face composed under the light brown fringe , and looking in her shirt , slacks and leather jerkin as elegantly informal as if she had just come in from a country walk .
16 Not if she had just moved .
17 Her arms felt languorous , her flesh soft and relaxed as if she had just awakened from sleep .
18 She looked as stunningly elegant , as poised and assured — because even her slight nervousness seemed professional — as if she had just stepped out of a cabine at Dior .
19 She felt as guilty about running away as if she had just robbed a lame beggar of his last groat .
20 Sybil made a faint tutting noise and shuddered , as if she had just discovered an unpleasant insect on one of her flowers .
21 ‘ You do want something to eat ? ’ she asked , turning to Loretta as if she had just remembered her manners .
22 as if she had just been in actual combat she dropped down on to the couch and sat gasping , drawing in long , shuddering breaths .
23 She simply looks satisfied , as if she had just bitten into the most delicious slab of chocolate she ever tasted .
24 Meeting his eyes , their expression now cool and shuttered , Luce wondered if she had just imagined that blazing look .
25 Nicolo had flung his head back ; he was laughing as if she had just told the world 's funniest joke .
26 A teenage girl gets on the bus , then , as if she 's just remembered , takes out a comic story magazine and holds it out of the window .
27 It is unquestionably a pleasure to see Paul Scofield wrap his voice round a sentence ; Vanessa Redgrave laugh as if she 's just been caught off guard ; and Daniel Massey inflect his expression just so , to suggest a man on the cusp between debonair and disintegrating .
28 Belushi exudes all the erotic charisma of a frozen carp , Bracco looks and acts as if she 's just signed up with a Dial a Dime Hostess service and there are various large signposts pointing firmly at The Murderer .
29 But what if she 's just had a tiny indiscretion , a few drinks with a work colleague that went too far , followed by tears and remorse and ‘ I swear to you it 'll never happen again , I love only you , darling ’ ?
30 Occasionally flicking back a stray blonde hair , Mrs Bottomley comes to the despatch box as if she has just leapt out of a hair spray advert .
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