Example sentences of "if you [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 You may also be entitled to Government incentive payments if you contract out of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme ( SERPS ) with a Midland Personal Pension .
2 The idea is that , if you pick out the best bits from the past , combine them , mix and match them , dust them down and restore them fondly , then the result will be something better .
3 If you shared out that two thirds right that 's that 's
4 The same thing could happen if you walked out of here this afternoon there there could be a bomb s threat between A and B wherever you 're going and you ca n't even get round
5 As for you , I could n't care less if you walked out on to that stage with a sack over your head . ’
6 Five shillings was n't it that you could , no meals allowed if you ate out , you were n't allowed to spend more than five shillings .
7 It 's quite usual to pay a deposit to show that you intend to go ahead with the deal and if you back out the repairer is entitled to keep the money .
8 Having a meal out , especially if you eat out a lot , needs just as much care and good sense as planning a meal in .
10 If you miss out on shooting a closing shot because of this , the recording will seem to end rather abruptly .
11 If you set out to buy a telescope , take great care .
12 If you set out to buy a pair of binoculars , and decide to test them , look at the Moon by all means , but never , on any account , point them anywhere near the Sun .
13 But if you set out on that rather tricky path , you will find before you finish that you have subtly to make this unheroic figure a hero after all .
14 Of course you can make appalling howlers if you set out for some reason to portray life in a social area unknown to you .
15 You y if you set out on a train under normal circumstances you 're confident that you 're going to arrive in London at
16 If you set out with the idea of generating more clubhead speed by delaying the hit or the release of the hands , you must balance this with a much faster hand and arm action through impact .
17 If you went out to dinner , you did n't think of how to get out of going to bed with him , it was how to get out of the car without kissing him . ’
18 ‘ Sure , if you went out you 'd be drinched entirely , ’ she sympathized .
19 If some i Well well you could I mean if you went out with someone and you thought they were pretty naff talking to the employer again six months later and say , Oh they 're a lot better .
20 She said if you went out alone in a tight skirt you were black and blue before you 'd gone a hundred yards .
21 ‘ Somebody will be asking you questions more formally but perhaps you could tell me if you went out at all last evening ? ’
22 You could get round that , if you went out during the singing of it .
23 And so if you went out and you bought er , I do n't know , we 've , if , a microwave , as you left the store with your microwave , the salesman calls his supplier and says , I need a microwave , because he only keeps three now , whereas even up to three or four years ago , he would have several in the back store , now he does n't keep them .
24 Well , if you went out doing your favourite hobby .
25 Now if you went out for a ferry , you 'd have one of us guarding the stereo one person on that .
26 My father had another , everything was okay if you came out at any time after the thirty first of March , look all I 'm doing now is I was giving back , er taking my position as the company director , getting a salary off the rent in my farms and small holdings and my shares in shipping .
27 Now , if you came out here to annoy me then … ’
28 If you get out of position and if you find yourself too low , move up slowly in small steps , checking the movement every few feet .
29 And the only way you 're going to fail is if you get out on a limb .
30 So just watch it after the first dose that evening , if you g Especially if you get out of bed to have a wee .
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